Article on ISC3 Start-up of the Month March 2023 in CHEManager International

Article on ISC3 Start-up of the Month March 2023 in CHEManager International
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With an innovative new production process, the Dutch start-up Mycotex allows for personalized clothing made from mycelium. With this contribution to sustainable chemistry the start-up aims to create a completely new supply chain for the fashion industry, an alternative to weaving, cutting and sewing.
Mycotex' manufacturing method has three main benefits: First, the possibility to set up an automated manufacturing system which allows for producing on demand. Second, it provides a fully sustainable supply chain: On an ecological level with food-grade natural ingredients that are not harmful to the environment, but also on a social level by not exposing employees to hazardous chemicals and secure regulated working hours. The third advantage is unlimited design freedom for brands.
Mycotex is part of a disruptive company named NEFFA (New Fashion Factory) that attempts to change the way garments are produced. With this approach the Start-up produces high-quality textile products and garments for diverse applications in a sustainable way. Therefore, Mycotex was among the finalists of the ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2022 and subsequently chosen as the ISC3 Start-up of the month in March 2023.