Investor Forum

Investor Forum

Fostering Investment in Sustainable Chemistry Innovations

The annual ISC3 Investor Forum (IF) unites founders, investors, scientists and decision-makers from industry and politics in a discussion on the role of financing mechanisms to secure the innovation pipeline, and the very specific dynamics of the Sustainable Chemistry innovation eco-system. ISC3 IF panel discussions are matched by pitching sessions and innovation showcases of cutting-edge entrepreneurs, as well as speed dating and networking opportunities with international investors. The Investor Forum also hosts the award ceremony and presentations of the finalists of the global ISC3 Innovation Challenge.

Investor Forum 2024

In 2024, Impact Fevstival 2024is featuring the ISC3 Investor Forum 2024 (Pitches, Panel, Booth, Audience Award) and live Innovation Challenge Award Ceremony on October 30th and 31st, 2024, between 9 am and 8 pm, at Forum Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany. Both organisations, ISC3 and Impact Festival 2024, and all their variegated partners present are coming together in order to further kick-start financial and networking power for Sustainable Chemistry start-ups, and to start promoting sustainable innovation in chemistry together at the Impact Festival 2024, as well!

2024, ISC3 has again set out to live feature 10 start-up solutions (5 finalists+5 extra live pitches), and further digital presentations aiming at having SC start-ups promoted and financed, again!
Since 2021, Impact Festival strives to foster collaborations for sustainable innovation by connecting GreenTech start-ups and SMEs, corporate sustainability managers, and investors. By supporting an open exchange of knowledge and connecting key stakeholders , they aim to accelerate the sustainable transformation of our today's economy.

Impact Festival's first edition in 2021 attracted already 2,100 attendees. The organisation behind the Impact Festival is neosfer, the innovation unit of Commerzbank which is deidcated to invest in B2B start-ups at an early stage and building prototypes based on new technologies.

A visualisation showing people and various symbols representing sustainability and innovation in textile sector on a blue-green background.

Investor Forum 2023

In 2023, the ISC3 hosted its 5th Investor Forum in person on September 28th, 2023 as a side event of the 5th World Chemical Conference (ICCM5, (September 25th- September 29th, 2023)) in Bonn, Germany. We hosted a day full of pitch presentations of Sustainable Chemistry innovators from the ISC3 Global Start-up Service and its partner organisations. A panel discussion on promoting investments and support frameworks to foster the Sustainaible Chemistry innovations was also on the agenda.The Investor Forum 2023 closed with the announcement and live award ceremony for the winners of the ISC3 Innovation Challenge on Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture which was endowed with a total of EUR 25,000.

Our flagship event fostered innovation and international investment by introducing financiers to a selected group of high-quality investment opportunities, especially from Africa, Latin-America, Europe and South Asia. Our event focused on Sustainable Start-ups in the chemical and chemical-related sectors such as Bioeconomy, Green Tech, Clean Tech, Construction, Textile, Waste Management, Agriculture and more.

A visualisation showing people and various symbols representing sustainability and innovation on a blue-green background.

Videos of the ISC3 Investor Forum 2023:

Speeches, Start-up Pitches, Panel Discussions, Award Ceremony

For more information, please check out our press release: Investor Forum 2023

In case of any questions, please get in touch with the Event Manager Astrid Ewaz:

To the agenda

Investor Forum 2022

ISC3 has hosted its virtual 4th Investor Forum on November 9th and November 10th, 2022, from 15:30 to approx. 19:00 CET. This year, we focussed on “ESGs, what you can’t measure, you can’t change: Towards Common Metrics of Sustainable Value Creation”, on “Waste management, regulatory aspects, and the financial framework for Sustainable Chemistry innovations in West Africa”, and -of course- on awarding the winners of our ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2022 with focus on Sustainable Chemistry and Waste: Prevention, Management & Valorisation solutions.

Panel 1, November 9th: ESGs, what you can’t measure, you can’t change: Towards Common Metrics of Sustainable Value Creation

Our first panel session adressed the importance of sustainable investment, what role does Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder capitalism and ESG concepts play in today’s investment landscape. What monetary value do they bring to the table? Which ESG criteria are important when investing in startups? What are the challenges related to ESG evaluation and how does it look for investors investing in global south countries?

Panel 2, November 10th: Financial and Regulatory Framework for Sustainable Chemistry Innovations in West Africa

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is considered as one of the pillar regional blocs of the continent-wide African Economic Community (AEC). ECOWAS actions has realized that economic purposes cannot be sustained without considering environmental concerns. These developments gave rise to the West African Community Environmental Law (CEL), which is currently under a process of development and progress. Our panel session focussed on the regulation of finance and chemicals which are fundamental pillars of this development and need to direct investments in sustainable technologies which are needed for a transformative environmental development.

For more information on what happened during the ISC3 Investor Forum 2022 and who the winners of this year's Innovation Challenge are, be welcome to read our corresponding Press Release in our News section.

For a quick overview, you can have a glance at our agenda.

In case of any questions, please get in touch with the Event Manager Astrid Ewaz: