Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development – And Agriculture
From 12 to 16 July 2021 the 7th S3C Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development took place in a virtual format again due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
In 16 lectures and 3 workshops boundaries, challenges and opportunities of implementing sustainable approaches, methods and regulations for a sustainable use of chemicals in general and in the field of agriculture were elaborated as well as insights given into the current European sustainability strategy and the UNEP’s Green and Sustainable Chemistry Manuals. Furthermore, education in sustainable chemistry as an integral part of a future sustainable development was also part of the Summer School. The unique study programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management were presented.
18 experts from renowned Universities, public authorities and institutes contributed again to this Summer School by sharing their knowledge in this field. In three workshops the participants learned more about a systems-thinking approach in sustainable chemistry and agriculture. In one workshop they worked in groups to design and develop a Systems-Oriented Concept Map Extension (SOCME) for a specific example of agriculture, in another they dealt with the question whether smart, integrated approaches can actually provide solutions to add more value to agricultural value chains and make them more resource and energy efficient and carbon neutral. In the third workshop central concepts related to sustainable agribusiness and the application of waste-to-food approaches were elaborated with emphasis on the optimisation of production and consumption, development of novel preservation technologies enabling the storage of nutrients in food biomass in a multiyear scale, the role of artificial intelligence as well as related ethical aspects.
The participants highly rated the insights into Sustainable Chemistry and new systems thinking for a change of economics in the chemical industry and the food system. Especially practical tips as sources of data and software tools and new business models such as chemical leasing were very much approved.
The next Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development will take place in July 2022 with the focus topic “Sustainable Chemistry Within a Hydrogen Economy-Opportunities, Prerequisites and Pitfalls”. Depending on the situation by then, it will either take place virtually or on-site again. Stay tuned here!
Some feedback from our participants:
“I became even more conscious about the world's systemic workings and about how everything is interconnected, we cannot afford more structural schisms if we would like to solve some of the global problems at hand (preferably fast)”
“System Thinking though a complex web of understanding is something that is my takeaway from this summer school. I would like to implement it to understand and aware people of the concepts of sustainability in their day to day life.”
“I gained new insights regarding sustainability not only in natural science but also social science and the sustainability must be discussed comprehensively”

The ISC3 Investor Forum 2021
as part of the 1st Global Sustainable Chemistry Week
The ISC3 Investor Forum is one centrepiece of the Global Sustainable Chemistry Week. Every year, the ISC3 Investor Forum brings together founders, investors, scientists, and decision-makers from industry and politics to foster impact investment and innovation in sustainable chemistry.
Our panel discussions will be matched by pitching sessions and innovation showcases of cutting-edge sustainable chemistry entrepreneurs, as well as speed dating and networking opportunities with international investors.Therefore, the ISC3 is delighted to invite you to the ISC3 Investor Forum. The all-virtual event will take place from Tuesday to Thursday (9-11 November 2021) - each day from 15:30 to approx.18:30 CET.In the frame of the 1st Global Sustainable Chemistry Week, this third edition of our ISC3 Investor Forum will explore how business models need to adapt and modify to foster sustainable chemistry innovations.Dive with us into the dynamics and interplay of regulation and reporting related to chemical restrictions, learn about impact investment as a driver for innovation in sustainable chemistry.Find out how the energy transition relies on sustainable chemistry solutions, which challenges the renewable energy paradigm holds for the chemical sector, and how policies and the finance sector can help to incentivize the transition towards a greenhouse gas neutral sector.
3rd ISC3 Stakeholder Forum
as part of the 1st Global Sustainable Chemistry Week
The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) will host its third Stakeholder Forum on 8th and 12th November 2021 during the 1st Global Sustainable Chemistry Week taking place 8th until 12th November 2021. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions, the Stakeholder Forum will be held online.
Founded on the initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Environmental Agency (UBA) 2017, the ISC3 engages in the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry. The ISC3 acts internationally with focus on emerging economies and developing countries. The centre manages a knowledge platform and a network of stakeholders, contributes in political processes, conducts research, develops vocational and academic education, supports innovation and entrepreneurship, and offers advisory services. Connecting stakeholders from policy, industry, academia, and civil society is a key element of the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry and therefore of ISC3’s work.
GSS Workshop:
A framework for implementing holistic and integrated life cycle sustainability assessment of regional bioeconomy
In the frame of the Extended Services for General Support Plus eligible start-ups, the ISC3 Global Start-up Service organized workshop on the topic “A framework for implementing holistic and integrated life cycle sustainability assessment of regional bioeconomy” with Walther Zeug and Christopher Blum on May 5th, 2022 at 16:30 CEST via Zoom.
In this workshop, Walther Zeug from Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH (Germany) introduced to our 14 start-ups participants an integrated (in one method) and holistic (transdisciplinary) life cycle sustainability assessment (HILCSA): systematic analysis of the ecological, social and economic impacts as well as the political economy of products and production systems, based on the LCA method.
Furthermore, Christopher Blum, Sustainable Chemistry Scientific Officer from Federal Environment Agency (Germany) and one of the leading authors of Guide on sustainable chemicals provided guiding sustainability consideration in areas like hazardous properties for human health and for the environment; mobility of a substance, greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption as well as responsibility in the supply chains.
About the speakers:
Walther Zeug is a researcher at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research working on the topic “Environment and Society” at the department of Bioenergy/Bioeconomy. His long-term research interests are political economy and ecology, holistic and transdisciplinary sustainability research and sustainability analysis & assessments.
Christopher Blum holds a PhD in biology and a post-graduate degree in eco-toxicology. He is a scientific senior officer in the section "International Chemicals Management" at the German Environment Agency (UBA). Christopher is working in the field of sustainable and green chemistry since 2006 and represents the German focal point for chemical leasing. He is member of the UNIDO chemical leasing award jury and of the OECD sustainable chemistry issue team as well as co-author of the UBA Guide on Sustainable Chemicals and a co-initiator of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3).
In case you would like to join the ISC3 Global Start-up Service, please contact our Start-up Relations Manager Silvia Nikova.

Gender Mainstreaming for Sustainable Chemistry
The virtual side event will take place during the High-level Political Forum 2022, organized by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the MSP Institute.
Panelists will discuss the interconnection of gender equality and sustainable chemistry with participants and will share challenges as well as best-practice examples on the integration of gender in chemicals management in the context of SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG 17 on partnerships for the goals.Agenda
- Introduction and facilitation by Dr Minu Hemmati, MSP Institute
- Short explanatory film on gender lens by MSP Institute
- Welcoming speech by State Secretary Dr Christiane Rohleder, BMUV
- Panel discussion with speakers:
- Dr Hans-Christian Stolzenberg, German SAICM Focal Point, German Environment Agency
- Eskedar Awgichew Ergete, Executive Director, Eco-justice Ethiopia
- Jorge Ocaña, Manager of Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, UNITAR
- Tripti Arora, Gender Coordinator, International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN)
- Reflections from the floor
- Girma Gemechu Kenne, Director-General, Environmental Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Directorate, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC), Ethiopia
- Anna Becker, Policy Manager and Gender Focal Point, International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Center (ISC3)
- Q&A with participants
We are looking forward to your participation, questions and comments!To register, please use this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApceisqzsiHNSLHRAuk_zoRQV2vKqlezGv
Advancing UNEP's Ten Objectives and Guiding Considerations for Green and Sustainable Chemistry
A Deep Dive on Objective 6 and 8
What does minimising chemical releases and maximising social benefits have in common?Explore this and many other questions in our online seminar. The session will focus on two of the ten Green and Sustainable Chemistry Objectives from UNEP's framework. Start-ups and other key stakeholders from the Indian and international innovation eco-systems will showcase best practices and speak on key future actions.
The webinar is part of the series “the Sustainable Chemistry Club” organised by the ISC3 and the Science and Technology Park Pune (Scitech). This year the webinars are hosted in cooperation with UNEP. The club was created to raise awareness on the pivotal role of Sustainable Chemistry across sectors and value chains as well as to showcase best cases in Sustainable Chemistry innovations.
UNEP webinar series:
A science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention
On July 25 2022 (14:30 - 16:30 CEST) the United Nations Environment Programme will host the first of a series of webinars to introduce the new Science-Policy panel on Chemicals, Waste and Prevention of Pollution Prevention and the processes of the associated ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG).
UNEA Resolution 5/8 decided that a science-policy panel should be established to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and prevent pollution, and to convene, subject to the availability of resources, an ad hoc OEWG that will begin work in 2022, with the ambition of completing it by the end of 2024.
The webinar will provide a background on the Science-Policy panel process and discuss its scope and possible structure. It will highlight Countries’ priorities on chemicals, waste and pollution as well as the role of science and academia in its modus operandi. It will be followed by a dialogue between speakers on urgent issues and questions from the chair of the meeting to the panel members. There will be an opportunity for the audience to pose questions to the panel members.
Register here
For more information, visit the official
Event page on the Green Growth Knowledge Platform
JGBM Sommersymposium 2022
Who says sustainable science has to be dull and boring? During our symposium we are proud to present a colourful mix of speakers from research, industry and the start-up landscape, all talking about their topics, ideas and visions for a more sustainable tomorrow.
The honours of opening our event will be held by our keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran from the University of Hamburg, an expert in the field of human-society-environment interaction.
Within the past few years, our awareness of the environment and the way we have treated it up to now has grown greatly. We must no longer live at the expense of future generations and are obliged to do more for the preservation of our nature. This idea regularly drives thousands of young people to the streets under the "Fridays for Future" movement for a future worth living. We also share these concerns and as bioscience students, we are asking ourselves what role science can and should play in this problem and what responsibility it must take. Therefore, we would like to give space to this topic in this summer symposium to be discussed with other students as well as with other scientists.During our symposium, we want to shine light on three major aspects of substainability. Therefore we distinguish three different sessions:
Session I – Research as key for sustainability
The pandemic has shown how irreplaceable research is for the well-being of mankind. Scientists were able to save countless lives through the development of vaccines. We therefore believe that through further research, solutions can be developed to preserve nature and our standard of living. In this block we want to listen to scientists and their research for a more sustainable life.
Session II – Sustainability in the lab
We are firmly convinced that science must play a pioneering role in social change. At the same time, however, we see that plastic and various pollutants are used in the laboratory every day. Is there another way? Green Lab initiatives have already developed strategies for sustainable research, for example to reduce plastic. Likewise, there are also companies and bio-tech startups with sustainable ideas. We would like to offer them a platform in this part of our symposium.
Session III – sustainable working conditions for scientists
In addition to the points on sustainability presented so far, we are also concerned with another aspect: the sustainable treatment of researchers in science. Despite their great responsibility, scientists rarely seem to be properly appreciated. The current law on temporary contracts for scientists puts a lot of pressure on many researchers and affects their own life and well-being. Just how precarious working conditions are in science has become apparent in recent years under the hashtag #ichbinhanna. In a panel discussion we will also address this important topic and discuss possible solutions.

YouthLead Innovation Festival
International Youth Day Celebration
The #YouthLead Innovation Festival which will take place on August 12-13, 2021, the International Youth Day, is a celebration of innovative youth-led solutions for the achievement of the SDGs and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Festival is a strategic and timely approach to drive our world to a solutions-oriented future through youth-led innovation as it brings together young innovators and solutions makers together with United Nations offices, policymakers and industry leaders. The event present opportunities for multistakeholder dialogue and collaboration for the use of innovation and technology to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and support the COVID19 Recovery agenda.The Festival also aims to address the fact that despite the growth of digital technology and innovation, many young innovators from the vulnerable and marginalized community are still left behind. Gender equality and the Leaving No One Behind principle are at the heart of our work as well as this celebration for International Youth Day, therefore the Festival aims to provide space and platform to highlight great innovative work of young women, LGBTQI youth, indigenous youth, migrants, refugees, and stateless youth, and young people with disabilities as well as the innovative work that aims to support them.
Inspiring Sustainable Connections
We will talk about our current work, projects and programs at our Stand at ACHEMA.Every day, we will also feature 2 start-ups from our Changemaker Community and host a pitch event on Wednesday, August 24th.
We are excited to meet you at Hall 6.0 Stand B 73. Also, check out the Achema App!

Fourth Meeting of the SAICM Intersessional Process
The Fourth Meeting of the Intersessional Process (IP4) for Considering the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020 will take place from 29 August-2 September 2022.
This meeting was originally scheduled to take place from 23-27 March 2020, but it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The meeting is expected to continue the discussions on a possible post-2020 platform for chemicals and waste management, ahead of the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5).

Chemical Leasing workshop in Peru
Biocides Leasing
Chemical Leasing is a business model based on the performance of the product/service and not on its volume, generating environmental, economic and social benefits! If you want to learn more about this model and its application in Latin countries, do not miss the workshop developed together with our partner in Peru, Grupo GEA.
To register, just click here.

UNEP Virtual Event
Planning for Strategic Action to Advance Green and Sustainable Chemistry
A new date has been selected for the UNEP virtual event titled “Planning for Strategic Action to Advance Green and Sustainable Chemistry”. It will take place on September 12th 13h00-14h30 (Central European Time), you can register using this Microsoft Teams Link.As before, the event will consist of two sessions featuring a guided panel discussion in which panelists will share their perspectives and elaborate on planning processes which led to strategic green and sustainable chemistry action. Each panel discussion will be followed by exchanges with the audience.Further details can be found in the concept note and flyer attached to this email. An infographic is also attached with background on UNEP’s work on green and sustainable chemistry.
UNEP will organize a workshop on strategic planning and action to advance green and sustainable chemistry in which experts and stakeholders will share relevant experiences and identify lessons learned via a guided panel discussion and audience exchange. The examples and case studies gathered will be used to develop UNEP resources and tools that aim to inspire and guide stakeholders in planning and implementing strategic action which advance UNEP’s Ten Objectives and Guiding Considerations for Green and Sustainable Chemistry.The overall goal of the workshop is to foster strategic action by diverse stakeholders relevant for achieving the vision for green and sustainable chemistry. Specific objectives include:• Gather illustrative examples of planning relevant to strategic action for green and sustainable chemistry• Gain insight on key process steps of planning for green and sustainable chemistry strategic action from a range of stakeholder groups.• Hear perspectives on the most useful format to present the case studies to maximize uptake.• Align a set of proposed steps for planning strategic green and sustainable chemistry action with real-world case studiesIn response to UNEA resolution 4/8 adopted at UNEA-4 in 2019, UNEP is preparing manuals on green and sustainable chemistry. The Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Framework Manual, released in 2020 is available online with a specialized manual on green and sustainable chemistry education in the final stages of development. At the center of the Framework Manual and UNEP’s work on the topic are ten objectives and guiding considerations for green and sustainable chemistry. Ranging from green molecular design to ensuring that chemistry works to address societal needs, the objectives seek to inspire and guide relevant stakeholders to shift their chemistry innovations towards sustainability.At UNEA-5.2 in 2022, member states recognized the Framework Manual and “encouraged its use as appropriate” within UNEA Resolution 5/7 concerning the sound management of chemicals and waste. A key aspect of both Manuals with regards to implementation can be found in their respective final chapters in which calls are made for stakeholders to take strategic action and initiate the development of green and sustainable chemistry roadmaps. Building upon this call and the UNEA-5.2 resolution, UNEP is aiming to support stakeholders planning for strategic green and sustainable chemistry action.Confirmed PanelistsAhmad Ansari and Peter Gregory, ZDHC Foundation – Formulation to Zero ProgrammeLesley Onyon, World Health Organization - WHO Chemicals RoadmapBharat Jain - Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre, IndiaWorkshop Agenda1. Welcoming Remarks – UNEP, 5-10 minutesUNEP will open the meeting, welcoming the participants and thanking them for their attendance. A brief history of UNEP’s work on green and sustainable chemistry will be provided along with an overview of the Ten Objectives and Guiding Considerations and Framework Manual. UNEP will further highlight the objective of the workshop.2. Panel Session 1: Learning from planning and implementing strategic action relevant to green and sustainable chemistry – 45 MinutesUNEP will briefly introduce each member of the Panel and the respective strategic planning effort which they will elaborate on. Following a brief intervention by each panelist, the floor will be opened to the audience to exchange with the panel, ask questions, and share their own experiences.3. Panel Session 2: Guidance and tools to support strategic action– 30 MinutesUNEP will introduce proposed key elements and steps when planning for strategic action on green and sustainable chemistry – including points in the process where the Framework Manual and Green and Sustainable Chemistry Objectives can support and guide planning activities. A guided panel discussion will take place to provide feedback, followed by an open discussion.4. Closing Remarks – UNEP, 5-10 minutes

Hosted by the Lego Group
This fall, the GC3 finally returns to in-person gatherings!This GC3 European Forum will be an opportunity for GC3 members and non-members to engage with European policymakers and other leading EU voices. The event will be hosted at the new LEGO® headquarters in Billund, Denmark. The European Forum will take place on 14-16 September 2022 and will bring together high-level experts, government officials and industry leaders to discuss the role of innovation and collaboration in implementing the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The Strategy is the foundational step in the ambitious goal for a safer and healthier environment announced in the European Green Deal.
Structured as a series of dialogues exploring topics such as commercialization of sustainable chemicals to enable the circular economy, the gathering will provide attendees with opportunities to meet and engage with key players in the European market.
Per the GC3's Attendee Health & Safety Guidelines, everyone registering for the in person the event will need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. All attendees must complete the vaccination verification process prior to the event. For more information, please see our page on Attendee Health & Safety Guidelines.
Space is very limited to ensure that attendees can learn from each other and explore topics in depth. Register early!
Attendees will have a chance to visit nearby LEGOLAND® Billund Resort and LEGO House, a 12,000-square metre building filled with LEGO bricks and play experiences. You can explore the endless possibilities for Learning through Play through the LEGO brick, and enjoy a play break that inspires imagination, creativity, and learning.
Registration Costs
- Member registration opens on June 1, 2022
- Member: Company or Consultant – $750
- Member: Startup, NGO, Government, or Academic – $400
- Non-Member registration opens on June 30, 2022
- Non-Member: Company, Consultant, or Trade Association – $1,200
- Non-Member: Startup, NGO, Government, or Academic – $500
Refund Policy
All registration cancellation and refund requests must be done online through Eventbrite. No refunds or credits will be granted after September 30, 2022. Refunds will not be given for no-shows. Anyone who is registered but cannot attend may send a substitute; please contact gc3info@greenchemistryandcommerce.org to communicate changes to an existing event registration.
For questions on the 2022 GC3 European Forum, please email gc3info@greenchemistryandcommerce.org.
Register here
ISC3 and SciTech Pune - Webinar 2
A Deep Dive on Objective 3 and 4
Learn what Minimizing chemical releases and pollution and Maximizing social benefits have in common in our online Webinar: Advancing the Ten Objectives for Green and Sustainable Chemistry – Objective: 3 and 4!
In this session, we will focus on two of the ten Green and Sustainable chemistry Objectives from UNEP´s framework as well as to showcasing best examples! Learn how to use these tools as take action! Participants will see the potential of green and sustainable chemical innovations to support the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
Chemical Leasing workshop in Chile
Biocides Leasing
Chemical Leasing is a business model based on the performance of the product/service and not on its volume, generating environmental, economic and social benefits! If you want to learn more about this model and its application in Latin countries, do not miss the workshop developed together with our partner in Chile, RITA Chile.
The registration link will be available here soon.
Sustainability for a Bright Future: A Global Conversation for Achieving the SDGs
Global Conversation on Sustainability
This Global Conversation on Sustainability will join leaders in Green Chemistry and Sustainability who will talk about the activities pursued by their international organizations targeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals towards engaging the global chemistry community and achieving a sustainable future. After their talks, a moderated Q&A session will take place aiming to address the questions raised by the audience and engage them in a fruitful conversation.
Join us to hear, learn and engage with:
Prof. Javier García-Martínez – President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Dr. Amy Cannon – Co-Founder and Executive Director of Beyond Benign
Anna Becker – Anna Isabel Becker – International Policy Manager at the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)
Jeffrey Whitford – Head of Sustainability, Social Business Innovation and Life Science Branding at MilliporeSigma
Taster Course “Introduction to the Concept of Benign by Design” in Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana Professional School
Taster Course
Do you want to get insights in the content of the M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry? Then please register for the Taster Course “Introduction to the Concept of Benign by Design” on 27th of September, 2022 at 4pm (UTC+2) here.
The professional Masters programme M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry provides expert interdisciplinary training in sustainable chemistry. The unique curriculum teaches – from the molecular level to global product flows, sustainability assessment and alternative business models for chemical products – how to understand and apply chemistry in the context of sustainability. The programme is aimed at highly motivated international professionals with a degree (B.Sc. or M.Sc.) in chemistry, chemical, bio,- and environmental engineering, pharmacy, biochemistry or related fields and at least one year of relevant work experience who wish to integrate expertise in sustainability into their professional portfolio.
Session 2: Exploring Potentials of Innovative Power-to-X Technologies
the chemical industry as a key player also for the defossilization in other industrial sectors through “Sector Coupling”
2nd Webinar Series
Building on the results from the 1st webinar series on the “nexus chemistry – climate change” in 2021, CAPCI organizes a 2nd webinar series in 2022, consisting of 3 sessions and targeted at a wide range of professionals from the public and private sectors along the entire value chain of production and use of chemicals.
The 2nd series focuses on sustainable pathways to greenhouse gas mitigation and practical solutions, while highlighting the great potential of the chemical industry as a provider of innovative products and technologies for combating climate change, through circular economy concepts, synergies related with “Verbund”-structures in chemical parks or power-to-X technologies.The focus is on capacity building and sharing of knowledge and information sharing with partners from public and private sector, thereby contributing to the transfer of technologies and best practices.
More on CAPCI
The chemical industry and its products constitute not only a fundamental cornerstone of modern life as well as global and national economies. The sector also accounts for about 10% of the world´s final energy demand and up to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions (1). At the same time, the chemical sector is a source of innovations and new materials that are crucial for the deployment of future-oriented low-carbon technologies. In this sense the branch is already developing scenarios for radical GHG mitigation and even complete defossilization.On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and under the International Climate Initiative (IKI), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) implements the Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI) that aims to enable key actors in selected developing countries and emerging economies to identify and tap mitigation potentials in chemical production and associated value chains. The webinar series is organized by CAPCI in cooperation with the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)(2) and the Capacity Building Network of the United Nations Climate Secretariat (PCCB-Network) (3).
The CAPCI project (Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry) is mainly focused on information, capacity building and knowledge sharing for the mitigation of GHG in the chemical industry in developing countries and emerging economies. At the same time, these measures will be planned and executed with an action-oriented perspective. Networking as well as the exchange of practical experiences and best practices play a decisive role.
Project Outcome:
The capacities of key actors from the private and public sector in selected developing countries and emerging economies for designing and implementing effective measures for climate protection in the chemical sector are enhanced.
Project Activities:The work packages and activities of CAPCI are assigned to three outputs:
-Knowledge, Information & Best Practices
-Training & Capacity Building
-Initiation of measures in partner countries
The conceptual approach involves information, webinars, dialogues, workshops and targeted trainings for know-how transfer and dissemination of good practices in the chemical industry. In addition, targeted advice will be provided for supporting the successful design of effective climate protection measures in the chemical industry.
Partners and StakeholdersCAPCI is cooperating with partners like ministries responsible for climate protection, chemical policies and industrial development as well as the associations of the chemical industry in selected developing countries and emerging economies. In addition to the above-mentioned partnership with the ICCA und the UNFCCC Secretariat’s capacity building network, the project draws from the experiences of relevant international projects and initiatives. CAPCI is closely linked with the ISC3 - International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Center (see: www.isc3.org). The mission of the ISC3 is to shape the transformation of the chemical sector towards sustainable chemistry, thereby contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and to a circular economy. Tackling climate change is a crucial area for a sustainable chemistry; hence CAPCI directly contributes to the ISC3 mission.Replicable best practices and know-how will be disseminated in close cooperation with relevant international organisations and cooperation projects that are also supported in the framework of the IKI, e.g. PROKLIMA (www.giz.de/proklima), the International PtX Hub (https://ptx-hub.org) or the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group NACAG (www.nitricacidaction.org). Project measures like information, dialogue workshops and trainings are designed in close cooperation and according to the needs of partners in selected partner countries – as a prerequisite for enhancing capacities and anchoring know-how in a sustainable manner.
Get to know the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School
Info Session 1
Description: For information on application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School, please visit the information session on 6th of October, 2022 at 4pm (UTC+2). After a general introduction, there will be the possibility to book individual consultation slots for a "Quick Check Application". Please register here.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Goals adopted by all UN Member States is increasingly in the focus of industries and companies of all sectors. Chemical innovations are of central importance in many areas of our everyday lives. For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry needs to be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability.At Leuphana Professional School, two online Master‘s programmes are offered for highly motivated international professionals who wish to integrate expertise in Sustainable Chemistry or management of Sustainable Chemistry into their professional portfolio.The Master's programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School combine the acquisition of sound expertise in the field of Sustainable Chemistry and its management with interdisciplinary competencies and soft skills to comprehensively prepare you for future leadership tasks. Both Professional Master‘s programmes are taught in English and are designed as distance learning programmes with few on-campus classroom sessions offering laboratory work and opportunities for networking. The innovative learning platform provides all teaching materials at any time for a flexible learning experience that adapts to your professional and private schedule.The next cohort will start in March 2023. Applications can be submitted by 10 December, 2022.Flexible entry options into continuing education in chemistry for Sustainability are offered as well. Take advantage of English language certificates or module studies for your further education in chemistry.
Chem-Match: Corporates meet Startups 2022 "Green & Digital"
Matchmaking Event to initiate collaboration between the chemical industry and startups!
The "Chem-Match: Corporates meet Startups" event brings impetus to the chemical open innovation. Like in the successful 2019 to 2021 editions, we match corporates with startups from the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, bioelectronics, environmental technologies and sustainability, digital process management and digital innovation.
Hessen Trade & Invest with the Enterprise Europe Network and the project partners CIEX Europe Conference, 5-HT Digital Hub Chemistry & Health, International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3), Infraserv at Industry Park Höchst, European IP Helpdesk and EIT Manufacturing Central offer this special event format for meeting and discussing about corporate - startup collaboration.
Investor Forum 2022
ISC3 is hosting its virtual 4th Investor Forum on November 9th and November 10th, 2022, from 15:30 to approx. 19:00 CET.
This year, we will be focusing on “ESGs, what you can’t measure, you can’t change: Towards Common Metrics of Sustainable Value Creation”, on “Waste management, regulatory aspects, and the financial framework for Sustainable Chemistry innovations in Africa”, and -of course- on awarding the winners of our ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2022 with focus on Sustainable Chemistry and Waste: Prevention, Management & Valorisation solutions.
Chemical’s regulation enforcement
Online Discussion
The next online session will be held on 10 November at 14:00 – 15:30 Central European Time (CET) and the topic will be “Chemical’s regulation enforcement”. Participation is open to the public upon registration as a member of the community of practice.
The SAICM Secretariat invites you to register and join the Community of Practice on Chemicals in Products so that you can participate in regular online discussions facilitated by recognized experts in the subject. By signing up, you will receive invitations to the upcoming discussions and their summary digests upon conclusion of the discussionRegister here: https://unep.webex.com/unep/j.php%3FRGID=r86473b65485ca2cf430ab3d98220fc7e
CAPCI at the COP 27
Tackling climate change effectively requires efforts by all sectors and all countries, including developing and emerging economies many of which have already committed to more ambitious nationally determined contributions (NDCs). In the process of designing concrete strategies and prioritizing mitigation actions all relevant sectors must be engaged. Key success factors include capacity building and financing mechanisms.
CAPCI and the German Ministry from Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) with its project called Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) are organizing a side event within the COP27 that will take place on 10th of November 2022 at 11:10 at Capacity-building Hub, Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center in e Cairo.This side event is prepared within the framework of the 4th Capacity Building Hub of the United Nations Climate Change and its Paris Committee on Capacity Building.For further information Building Sustainable National Capacities for Climate Action and Article 6 Implementation | UNFCCC
This side event will be the livestream through with this link: PCCB's YouTube channel. The link to the Implementing Articles 6&13 of the Paris Agreement Day will be available at 8am on the 10th.Location:
Get to know the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School
Info Session 2
For information on application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School, please visit the information session on 14th of November, 2022 at 4pm (UTC+1). After a general introduction, there will be the possibility to book individual consultation slots for a "Quick Check Application". Please register here.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Goals adopted by all UN Member States is increasingly in the focus of industries and companies of all sectors. Chemical innovations are of central importance in many areas of our everyday lives. For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry needs to be complemented with sound expertise on sustainabilityAt Leuphana Professional School, two online Master‘s programmes are offered for highly motivated international professionals who wish to integrate expertise in Sustainable Chemistry or management of Sustainable Chemistry into their professional portfolio.The Master's programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School combine the acquisition of sound expertise in the field of Sustainable Chemistry and its management with interdisciplinary competencies and soft skills to comprehensively prepare you for future leadership tasks. Both Professional Master‘s programmes are taught in English and are designed as distance learning programmes with few on-campus classroom sessions offering laboratory work and opportunities for networking. The innovative learning platform provides all teaching materials at any time for a flexible learning experience that adapts to your professional and private schedule.The next cohort will start in March 2023. Applications can be submitted by 10 December, 2022.Flexible entry options into continuing education in chemistry for Sustainability are offered as well. Take advantage of English language certificates or module studies for your further education in chemistry.
Advancing UNEP´s Ten Objectives and Guiding Considerations for Green and Sustainable Chemistry
A Deep Dive on Objective 2 and 9
Be part of our webinar on UNEP´s Ten Objectives for Green and Sustainable Chemistry – A Deep Dive on Objective 2 “Avoiding regrettable substitutions and alternatives” and Objective 9 “Protecting workers, consumers and vulnerable populations”.
Learn the importance of developing solutions in the chemical and chemical related sector for sustainable change, such as developing sustainable alternatives for chemicals!
Session 3: Chemical parks “Verbund”-structure
Climate Benefits through Joint Action in Chemical Parks – Opportunities for energy and resource efficiency through connected energy generation and production networks
2nd Webinar Series
Building on the results from the 1st webinar series on the “nexus chemistry – climate change” in 2021, CAPCI organizes a 2nd webinar series in 2022, consisting of 3 sessions and targeted at a wide range of professionals from the public and private sectors along the entire value chain of production and use of chemicals.
The 2nd series focuses on sustainable pathways to greenhouse gas mitigation and practical solutions, while highlighting the great potential of the chemical industry as a provider of innovative products and technologies for combating climate change, through circular economy concepts, synergies related with “Verbund”-structures in chemical parks or power-to-X technologies.The focus is on capacity building and sharing of knowledge and information sharing with partners from public and private sector, thereby contributing to the transfer of technologies and best practices.
For registration and further information:capci@giz.deMore on CAPCI
The chemical industry and its products constitute not only a fundamental cornerstone of modern life as well as global and national economies. The sector also accounts for about 10% of the world´s final energy demand and up to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions (1). At the same time, the chemical sector is a source of innovations and new materials that are crucial for the deployment of future-oriented low-carbon technologies. In this sense the branch is already developing scenarios for radical GHG mitigation and even complete defossilization.On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and under the International Climate Initiative (IKI), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) implements the Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI) that aims to enable key actors in selected developing countries and emerging economies to identify and tap mitigation potentials in chemical production and associated value chains. The webinar series is organized by CAPCI in cooperation with the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)(2) and the Capacity Building Network of the United Nations Climate Secretariat (PCCB-Network) (3).
The CAPCI project (Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry) is mainly focused on information, capacity building and knowledge sharing for the mitigation of GHG in the chemical industry in developing countries and emerging economies. At the same time, these measures will be planned and executed with an action-oriented perspective. Networking as well as the exchange of practical experiences and best practices play a decisive role.
Project Outcome:
The capacities of key actors from the private and public sector in selected developing countries and emerging economies for designing and implementing effective measures for climate protection in the chemical sector are enhanced.
Project Activities:The work packages and activities of CAPCI are assigned to three outputs:
-Knowledge, Information & Best Practices
-Training & Capacity Building
-Initiation of measures in partner countries
The conceptual approach involves information, webinars, dialogues, workshops and targeted trainings for know-how transfer and dissemination of good practices in the chemical industry. In addition, targeted advice will be provided for supporting the successful design of effective climate protection measures in the chemical industry.
Partners and StakeholdersCAPCI is cooperating with partners like ministries responsible for climate protection, chemical policies and industrial development as well as the associations of the chemical industry in selected developing countries and emerging economies. In addition to the above-mentioned partnership with the ICCA und the UNFCCC Secretariat’s capacity building network, the project draws from the experiences of relevant international projects and initiatives. CAPCI is closely linked with the ISC3 - International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Center (see: www.isc3.org). The mission of the ISC3 is to shape the transformation of the chemical sector towards sustainable chemistry, thereby contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and to a circular economy. Tackling climate change is a crucial area for a sustainable chemistry; hence CAPCI directly contributes to the ISC3 mission.Replicable best practices and know-how will be disseminated in close cooperation with relevant international organisations and cooperation projects that are also supported in the framework of the IKI, e.g. PROKLIMA (www.giz.de/proklima), the International PtX Hub (https://ptx-hub.org) or the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group NACAG (www.nitricacidaction.org). Project measures like information, dialogue workshops and trainings are designed in close cooperation and according to the needs of partners in selected partner countries – as a prerequisite for enhancing capacities and anchoring know-how in a sustainable manner.
ISC3 Stakeholder Forum 2022
4th ISC3 Stakeholder Forum
Connecting stakeholders from policy, industry, academia, and civil society is a key element of the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry and therefore of ISC3’s work.
We are excited to let you know that this year’s Stakeholder Forum will take place on Tuesday, 29 November 2022, at approx. 2pm CET via MS Teams. The invitation with the agenda will be shared in due time.
The role of chemistry in addressing hunger and food security
ACS Campaign for a Sustainable Future
ACS Campaign for a Sustainable Future: Zero Hunger Summit
In 2015, the United Nations set the goal of achieving “Zero Hunger” - ending world hunger and providing universal food security by 2030. Unfortunately, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine have made this ambitious goal even more challenging. But with 690 million people suffering from hunger worldwide and a growing world population, work must be done now to build sustainable food systems for all.
Chemistry and engineering have long had an essential part to play in the fight against hunger. From the invention of chemical fertilizers over a century ago to carbon capture technology being developed today, innovation has been critical for increasing the quantity and quality of food. But what role do chemistry and engineering play in improving food security now, and how do they interact with sustainability, economic forces, and government policy?
On December 5-8, the American Chemical Society is hosting the Zero Hunger Summit. Part of the Campaign for a Sustainable Future, this free online event will explore how chemistry and engineering can contribute towards the goal of “Zero Hunger.” Experts from government, industry, academia, and nonprofit organization will present on a wide range of topics, including:
-Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Adaptation & Reducing Crop Stress
-Impacts of Agriculture on Climate: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gasses
-Optimizing Crop Production
-Sustainable Food Packaging and Reducing Waste
Thank you to those who contributed to the planning of the Summit:
Scientific Planning Committee:
Paul Dauenhauer, Professor | University of Minnesota
Bob Maughon, Executive Vice President, CTSO | SABIC
Mike Morello, Committee on Science | ACS
Susan Moser, Division Director | National Institute of Food and Agriculture | USDA
Vid Hegde, Vice President | Corteva Agrisciences
Fengqi You, Professor | Cornell University
Shannon Kenny, Principal Deputy Associate Administrator | U.S. EPA
ACS Affliates:
H.N. Cheng, Immediate Past President | American Chemical Society
Laura McConnell, Deputy Editor | ACS Agricultural Science and Technology
Coralia Osorio Roa, Deputy Editor | ACS Food Science and Technology
IYCN Science for Policy Webinar: Science advice to policymaking
What can learned societies do to promote knowledge exchange?
Dr. Lorenzo Melchor, Policy Analyst at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) will join us to speak about the impact of scientific knowledge on policymaking from a conceptual and practical hands-on experience perspective.
Register now: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5638260870322677344
Dr. Lorenzo Melchor will present the different entry points for scientific evidence into the policymaking process at the European Union level, the main challenges at the science-policy interface and potential solutions. The discussion will also focus on how learned societies like IUPAC and the IYCN can help build stronger and interconnected science-for-policy ecosystems.
DOZN™ - A Quantitative Green Chemistry Evaluator
jGBM Lecture Series
This months "jGBM Lecture Series" invited Mr Ponnusamy (Fellow & Global Manager - green chemistry), who developed the unique DOZN™ system - a third-party-validated and published green chemistry evaluator based on the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry.Today, this tool plays an integral role in quantifying greener products for Merck and its customers - having received a Top Project ofthe Year award by the Environment + Energy Leader program in 2020.Also, Ponnusamy is one of the recipients of Merck Technology Award 2020. Please just join the event via the provided links and meeting info from the "Show more" button below.
Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/3U1KALI
Meeting ID: 817 4569 9785
Password: jgbmsus
IOMC Workshop - Industry Sector
Strengthening global action to advance chemicals and waste management strategies in key economic sectors
Workshop purpose
The workshop will bring together relevant actors from companies and associations, as well as other stakeholders
explore guiding considerations and principles to support effective global action in major industry sectors under the new “beyond 2020” framework, as well as pertinent draft targets.
Details and an agenda will be shared with interested participants in early December.
If you are interested in participating, please send an Expression of Interest* to Oliver Wootton by2 December 2022, especially for those seeking travel support (oliver.wootton@unitar.org).
* Registration for the workshop after the deadline is possible upon request.
* (a simple email, including your name, job title, your institution/organization, an outline of your interest in theworkshop, and if you would be seeking travel support)
2 Rue André Pascal. Exact venue to be accounced.75016 Paris

ISC3 Start-ups Workshop: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment-Based Decision-Analysis Framework
ONLY for onboarded ISC3 Start-ups
Decision makers often make choices on consumption or production without considering the full life cycle perspective or the broader implications on the environment, society or the economy. This might lead to unintended trade-offs and sub-optimization between environmental, social or economic issues, impeding progress towards sustainable development, as well as problem shifting between life cycle stages of product systems.
In this workshop, Marwa Hannouf from University of Calgary will introduce a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment-Based Decision-Analysis Framework that allows users to compare different alternatives to choose the optimal and sustainable one or to identify hotspots and potential improvements needed to improve sustainability performance. In addition you will learn how to compare performance with science-based threshold values, national and industry benchmark values and connecting the performance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
If you are member of the ISC3 Global Start-up Service, please register via email. If you would like to join our Start-up Service, please see the details below.
If you are interested in joing the Global Start-up Service, please fill out our Onboarding Questionnaire:

OEWG1.2: Science-Policy Panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution
UN Environment Programme
The ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG) was established following a resolution of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), and contributes to the sound management of chemicals and wastes and pollution prevention. It is aimed at a scientific-political body.The purpose of these sessions is to allow all Member States and other participants to discuss the possible options presented in the main meeting documents.
The conference will be held in Bangkok from January 30 to February 3, 2023, and will also be broadcast live.
Renewable Energy Source & Circular Economy
Workshop in Casablanca, Morocco
A Focus Topic workshop lead by ISC3 Science & Innovation.Main topics: photovoltaic panels, windmill rotor blades, batteries, rare metals, desalination and water management.
We are discussing sustainability, recycling and circularity with international and local stakeholders from research, industry, authorities, ngos and international organisations.A white paper is following in 2023 to sum up the results of the focus topic.
ISC3 dives into a new discussion with the experts from Morocco on the topic of Renewable Energy Sources & Circular Economy.A workshop is taking place in Morocco on the 17th of January 2023. Representatives from research, private sector, NGOs as well as international organisations are welcome to work on the strategies for Circular Economy. The Spotlight is set on solar panels, windmill rotor blades, batteries as well as good water management and desalination which are of crucial importance specifically for the Moroccan climate. The renewable energy sources can play the main part in the rapidly developing Moroccan energy sector and its roadmap on green hydrogen that comes from renewable energy sources.The Circular Economy considers different types of end-of-life operations: reduction of materials and waste, reuse of products, separation and recycling as well as energy recovery. ISC3 develops a common understanding of Sustainable Chemistry pointing out at the versatile dimensions of sustainability which include besides environmental aspects like e.g. water pollution or climate change also the impacts on social sphere like child labour, forced migration and resource conflicts as well as a big scope of economic and regulative facets to be considered, e.g. the price competition and development of specific incentives in the sector.
ISC3 prepares a white paper with the contributions from the workshop
tbc10000 Rabat

Last Day of Application Phase for M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management
at Leuphana Professional School
For information on application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School, please visit the information day on 14th of January, 2023. Please register here: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/information-for-applicants/information-day.html
Regional Water Dialogues 2023
UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
The Regional Water Dialogues are hosted by the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and will focus on accelerating Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: to guarantee the availability of water and its sustainable management and sanitation for all, in addition to achieving a sustainable and inclusive water transition.
The aim of the event is to communicate and consolidate the commitments made to accelerate the implementation of SDG6 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to share experiences and lessons learned on SDG6 compliance.
The UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) will host the Regional Water Dialogues in a hybrid format (Santiago, Chile and online).

Transition Talks: Launch of the EU Chemical Industry Transition Pathway
Event by Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council)
How can the green and digital transformation in the chemical industry succeed and what steps are necessary to achieve it? For this purpose, the EU Commission has published a transition pathway for the chemical industry. Stakeholders from the chemical industry, non-governmental organizations and other intrested parties have been working together for a year to develop action areas for a "green transformation," including a transition pathway.The measures outlined in it aim to promote cooperation in the area of innovation, gather information to support the diversification of raw materials, and improve the supply of clean energy through electrification, hydrogen production or waste reuse.
Kerstin Jorna, Director General of DG GROW, and Marco Mensink, Director General of Cefic, will explain their expectations for the Transition Pathway and what the #TransitionPathway means for companies and for Europe.
Dialog for a common understanding of Sustainable Chemistry
Practical cases and key characteristics
Through the revision of some practical cases in light of the 10 key characteristics of Sustainable Chemistry, this workshop intends to dialog and shed light on what Sustainable Chemistry is (or is not). The information produced will be analyzed afterwards by ISC3 to develop a dialog paper about the common understanding of Sustainable Chemistry.
This workshop is targeted for the staff of ISC3 and interested external stakeholders. Please contact us if you are willing to participate.
IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast
Focus Topic "Breaking Barriers in Science"
The IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast (#GWB2023) is held in conjunction with the UN Day of Women and Girls in Science.The theme is "Breaking Barriers in Science", as the aim is to build an active network to tackle the challenges of overcoming barriers to gender equality in science. Achievements of women in science should be appreciated and younger generations should be inspired to pursue a career in science.For this, all interested people from universities, companies, government and non-governmental organisations are welcome to exchange ideas.
The online breakfast is hosted by Prof. Dr. Dr. Vania Zuin Zeidler and Prof. Dr. Simone Abels from Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. The plenary speaker for the event is Prof. Dr. Vicky Temperton from Leuphana University.Register online to join this Zoom event via email: karen.kratschmer@leuphana.de and vania.zuin@leuphana.de
Rohstoffwende Metalle
Zielrichtung Ressourcenschonung und Circular Economy
Problems in the global supply chains and fears about the security of supply of technology metals are putting raw materials policy on the agenda. The announced European Critical Raw Materials Act and the planned national circular economy strategy are important next steps on the path to a sustainablesustainable raw materials policy.Unfortunately, the event is in German.
The raw material turnaround is about- Reducing the absolute level of consumption of natural raw materials;- the development of a metal recycling infrastructure and corresponding recyclingrecycling clusters;- the further development of a waste-based circular economy into a circular economy; andto a circular economy;- the social and ecological dimension of the raw material turnaround, in order to achieve resourceand sustainability standards in the raw materials supply chains; andensure- robust data, so that the unsustainable use of metals,dissipative waste, as well as progress towards improved recycling andtowards improved recycling and resource conservation;- alternative business models based on service and desiredfunctions.There is much talk of designing for recycling, of considering the recyclability of metals from the outset. In fact, the functionalisation of metals must also be taken into account. The development dynamics in the direction of an ever mixing of metals can no longer be assumed to be purposeful and always desirable. On the contrary: the question of functions must also be asked.We invite all those who are interested in metals, those who work with and/or are interested in metals and those who are active in the initiation of a raw materials turnaround for metals to Tutzing. We also cordially invite you to the open forum.Learn more here: Rohstoffwende Metalle_24.-26.2.2023_Tutzing_Flyer
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing82327 Tutzing

Fourth meeting of the intersessional process considering the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020
The fourth meeting of the intersessional process supports stakeholders in their efforts to elaborate the future arrangements of the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 for consideration and adoption at the next session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5).
United Nations Avenue00100 Nairobi
Defining "Sustainable Chemistry" Project Webinar
March 1 at 11 am Eastern Time (USA and Canada)
The Expert Committee on Sustainable Chemistry Group (ECOSChem) has finalized the project of “Defining Sustainable Chemistry”. Sustainable Chemistry is the design, development, and application of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances and waste, while also improving the economic, social, and environmental performance of the chemical enterprise.
- Register for the webinar, which will take place on March 1 at 11 am Eastern Time (USA and Canada)
- here: https://uml.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqde-gqDouH9aVcYd4y3vXRPkBBsw3MOWn
- Find more information: Defining-Sustainable-Chemistry-Report-Feb-2023
Power-to-X Training and Transfer Workshop
Catalysing defossilisation globally
The Power-to-X Training provides a comprehensiveoverview of the entire value chain of PtX. It looks atthe potentialities of renewable PtX in future energysystems and economies. PtX enables thetransformation of renewable energy into syntheticfuels and other chemicals to obtain end productslike fertilisers and cosmetics.The PtX training and the following transferworkshop are organized jointly by the PtX Hub and CAPCI in close cooperation with the EnvironmentalProtection Agency of Ghana (EPA). The PtX training and the transfer workshop represent the start ofCAPCI’s training activities in Ghana.
Alisa Hotel, AccraGA184 Accra

Sustainable Chemistry 2023
Themes: "Green Chemistry For A Sustainable World" and "Sustainable Drug Development And Manufacturing Processes"
Sustainable Chemistry 2023 features workshops, roundtables and panel discussions. More than 150 prominent leaders and scientists come together to address Sustainable Chemistry and develop innovative processes to improve product performance while benefiting the environment.
Day One will focus on „Green Chemistry For A Sustainable World“. Topics include:
- Achieving Sustainable Chemistry
- Driving sustainable innovation across the pharmaceutical product life cycle and value chain
- Minimizing hazards and risks in chemical process development
- Best Practice in Sustainable Medicinal Chemistry
Day Two will focus on „Sustainable Drug Development And Manufacturing Processes“. Topics include:
- Case studies in innovation and technological advances in drug design
- Benchmarking on improve product performance
- The development of sustainable and cost-effective manufacturing processes
- Toward sustainable engineering practices in biologics manufacturing
Exact venue to be accounced.London

Green and Sustainable Chemistry Bootcamp
Event by Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council) and FCIO (Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs)
Cefic, in collaboration with FCIO, is offering another "Green and Sustainable Chemistry Bootcamp". The event is aimed at companies that want to invent, design and supply safe and sustainable products.Together with John Warner, a chemist and one of the founders of the field of Green Chemistry and Co-Founder of beyondbenign, the bootcamp will teach participating companies how to practice Green Chemistry.
Further details of the event, including prices and the full agenda, will be announced shortly. For more information, please contact Melina Papapanou, at mep@cefic.be.
tbatba Vienna

ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHTS 2023
Sustainable Chemistry for a Sustainable World. Now.
Sustainable Chemistry facilitates the needs of the present – without compromising the ecological, social and economic needs of future generations. In light of the important upcoming 5th Global Chemical Conference 2023 (25 - 29 September, Bonn, Germany) the ISC3 showcases the importance of Sustainable Chemistry as the guiding framework for the future of sound chemicals management.Our new event format "Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHTS" highlights four core topics within Sustainable Chemistry, discusses their importance, and starts the exchange ahead of the 5th Global Chemical Conference 2023.
Within four Online Live Events we raise awareness for the concept of Sustainable Chemistry and the actors in this field, offering a platform for all stakeholders to present their projects, business models, and research activities.Together with scientists, entrepreneurs, luminaries and other stakeholders, expectations are shared, opinions are discussed and horizons broadened.One spotlight topic. Many perspectives. One goal.Sustainable Chemistry for a sustainable world. NOW.
SPOTLIGHT Innovation & Sustainable Chemistry
Innovative solutions to combat and prevent pollution in the areas of mobility, energy, urbanisation, and agriculture very often originate in the chemical sector.However, it is not easy to bring innovative solutions to the market. Jointly we will discuss how to apply and foster innovation, international exchange, and investment in future.What is on the programme?
- Sustainable Chemistry Club on UNEP's Ten Objectives for Green and Sustainable Chemistry (deep dive: Objectives 5 & 9) with SciTech Park Pune, UNEP (tbc) and several Start-ups
- Promoting innovation in Sustainable Chemistry across Start-ups and SMEs in the Ghanaian E-waste Sector
- How to build a sustainable labware company with Green Elephant Biotech
- Celebrating 25 years of Green Chemistry: The Missing Elements with Professor John C. Warner
Planetary boundaries - The world is not enough lecture series
The Many Facets of Sustainable Chemistry
Professor Dr. Klaus Kümmerer, Professor of Sustainable Chemistry and Material Resources at Leuphana University Lüneburg and Head of the R&E Hub at ISC3, will give a lecture (in German) on this topic as part of the Planetary Boundaries - The World Is Not Enough lecture series at the renowned Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt, on May 3, 2023.
For Klaus Kümmerer, sustainable chemistry must not only focus on the functionality of products, but must already have their "end-of-life" and alternatives in mind during development. The series of lectures moderated by Dr. Julia Krohmer at the Senckenberg Museum on the planetary boundaries will highlight on nine evenings nine boundaries and their condition and show approaches to solutions on how a global transformation can still succeed within the planetary boundaries.The lectures will take place at 7:30 p.m. in presence in the Green Lecture Hall of the Senckenberg Museum. In addition, a livestream will be offered. This is available at senckenberg.de/live or on Senckenberg's YouTube channel, where you can also find the recordings of the lectures.
Grüner Hörsaal des Senckenberg Naturmuseums60325 Frankfurt

International Workshop on Sustainable Chemistry
The International Workshop on Sustainable Chemistry (www.iwsuschem2023.org) will be held on May 8-11, 2023 in the Polytechnical University of Cartagena-UPCT (Murcia-Spain), as an interdisciplinary platform that offer to academic and industrial researchers a privileged environment to exchange on the latest scientific advances in the field of sustainable, green and circular chemistry, to show your recent innovations, to share on tomorrow’s scientific and technological hurdles, and to facilitate public-private and private-private partnerships.
This thematic workshop will bring together young researcher (i.e. Master, PhD students, Postdocs, and professional of the chemical industry), and number of leading experts in the field of Sustainable Chemistry. The goal of the workshop is to disseminate novel concepts and latest trends in Sustainable Chemistry to enable a sustainable present and future by providing a comprehensive training for young scientists. Participants are encouraged to present via poster communications.

SPOTLIGHT Renewable Energy & Sustainable Chemistry
The strategical plans of the European Union and countries like Germany to foster a “Hydrogen Economy” aim to give an impulse for a more sustainable way of production. How can “Power-to-X” technologies be applied? How can Sustainable Chemistry contribute to sustainable renewable energy systems and vice versa?
ISC3 continuously works on Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energy with the focus on Power-to-X (PtX) in Morocco. In December, ISC3 in cooperation with PtX-Hub and local GIZ office implemented a three-days PtX-training and a one-day transfer workshop for the Moroccan ministry MTEDD in Rabat. The next focus topic Renewable Energy and Circular Economy followed by an expert’s workshop in Casablanca aimed at the re-use and recycling of PV panels, windmill rotor blades, and Li-Ion batteries in January.
The Circular Economy workshop’s success encouraged the team to offer a follow-up event at the Sustainable Chemistry Spotlight that will complement the new PtX-Training of-Trainers in Morocco in May.Do you want to learn more about the nexus Sustainable Chemistry, Renewable Energy and Circular Economy?
7th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference
Join us back in Dresden for the 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference:
Join us back in Dresden for the 7th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference:
-Discuss the latest research on the role of chemistry in contributing to achieving the SDGs.
-Present your own research as a short talk or poster
A high-level and inspiring programme will explore inter- and transdisciplinary aspects of green and sustainable chemistry. View our updated topics list.Invited speakers will be joined by the finalists of the Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge, contributed talks and posters for which abstracts are invited.

3rd Edition of International Conference on Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy
Extending the Expertise of Horizons in Green Chemistry for a Sustainable Future
The International Conference on Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy will provide an international forum for academics, scientists, researchers, chemists, engineers, environmentalists and industrialists from around the world to discuss global findings and proposals on key challenges in Green Chemistry and renewable energy. Current breakthroughs will be presented with a focus on scientific development for real-world applications. The importance of Green Chemistry in achieving the United Nations‘ Sustainable Development Goals will also be emphasised. In this context, both new basic chemical techniques and targeted industry-oriented Green Chemistry processes will be explored.
The 3rd Edition of International Conference on Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy will be a hybrid event.
It will cover topics such as:
- Biopolymer and Bioplastics
- Applications of Green Chemistry
- Future Trends in Green Chemistry
- Green Chemistry in Environment
- Sustainable Chemistry
- Waste to Energy
- Sources of Energy
- Impacts of Climate Change
- Climate Change and Global warming
- Renewable Energy

A Blueprint for Sustainable Chemicals in a Circular Economy
The event by GLOBE EU is dedicated to the topic of chemicals policy and its European legal framework. The importance of science-based decision-making for systemic change plays an essential role. The event will provide a platform for a wide range of speakers to discuss how to promote sustainability, improved exposure control and innovation throughout the chemical value chain.
The programme includes speeches about
- Europe’s transition towards safe and sustainable chemicals
- Case studies on insight from the chemical value chain
- A systemic approach enabling sustainable chemicals
- Fostering innovation through Safe & Sustainable by Design criteria
SPOTLIGHT Sustainable Building & Sustainable Chemistry
How can Sustainable Chemistry assist in building – considering global megatrends? What are the most relevant innovative areas and potentials for Sustainable Chemistry in the field of Building and Building Materials?
Two years ago, ISC3 published its report on “Sustainable Building and Living, Focus on Plastics”. Since its publication, ISC3 has published additional factsheets and implemented training workshops on the topic. Now the ISC3 is working on an E-learning module about the topic, which will be revealed during our “Sustainable Chemistry Spotlight: Sustainable Building”. But not only that – there will be much more interesting input on the topic of “Sustainable Building Materials”.
SPOTLIGHT Policy & Stakeholder Dialogue
Decision makers play a key role in fighting climate change, poverty, hunger, pollution, and many other societal and environmental needs. Let us raise awareness on the pivotal role of Sustainable Chemistry at all levels.
During the Sustainable Chemistry Spotlight - “Policy- and Stakeholder Dialogue” on Friday, 2 June 2023 the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) will host a workshop on the EU’s Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) criteria. The aim is to receive feedback and input from multiple sectors across the stakeholder community on the current proposed assessment framework. Stakeholders are invited to get in touch with the ISC3 Policy and Stakeholder Dialogue team anna.becker@isc3.org to signal interest and receive further information. More details will be published soon.
Celebrate 25 Years of Green Chemistry and 10 Years of the Green Chemistry Commitment Program with Beyond Benign!
Beyond Benign is doing a social media campaign on Monday, June 12th, to showcase and celebrate the diverse approaches to moving towards a sustainable future.
This is how it works:
- Get a copy of the #CommitToGreenChem sign (print it off, access it on an electronic device, or create your own version)
- On your sign, write down your commitment to green chemistry and how you are working towards achieving a more sustainable future
- Snap a photo of you holding your #CommitToGreenChem sign
- Post your photo on social media and tag Beyond Benign so they can share it
27th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference
Closing the loop: Chemistry for a Sustainable Future
The 27th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering, hosted by the American Chemical Society, is an event that brings together a diverse scientific community. The goal is to advance the development and implementation of Green and Sustainable Chemistry and engineering research, education and sustainable technologies in the global chemical industry.
As in previous years, the conference will feature proposals that address a topic across the spectrum of green and sustainable chemistry and engineering. Topics will include- success stories in the application of "Design for X"- how design strategies are used to manufacture chemicals and processes for a circular economy and sustainable use- development of products that reduce waste, energy, emissions during the use phase- topics related to chemistry education to embed systems thinking, Green and Sustainable Chemistry throughout education GC&E will be a hybrid event. The in-person event will take place in Long Beach, California.

2023 GC3 EU Forum
hosted by Covestro
The 2023 GC3 European Forum brings together stakeholders to explore the role of supply chain collaboration in promoting the growth and implementation of green and sustainable chemistry. With a focus on addressing pressures from the European Green Deal, investors, and market forces, this two-day meeting will engage global companies, consulting firms, governments, and NGOs to discuss the challenges and opportunities in advancing safer and more sustainable chemistry in Europe.
Registration is currently available, but space is very limited. It is advisable to register early to secure your spot. More information here: https://greenchemistryandcommerce.org/2023-european-forum/about

ICSGC 2023: XVII. International Conference on Sustainable and Green Chemistry
The International Conference on Sustainable and Green Chemistry provides a platform to bring together leading scientists, researchers and scholars to share their knowledge on all aspects of Sustainable and Green Chemistry. It also provides an opportunity to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends and issues as well as practical challenges and solutions in the field of Sustainable and Green Chemistry.
The conference calls for contributions in the form of abstracts, papers and e-posters that address the themes of Sustainable and Green Chemistry. A "Best Paper Award / Best Presentation Award" will be presented at the end of the conference.
IOMC Multi-stakeholder Expert Workshop
Advancing Chemicals and Waste Management in Economic Sectors and Industries
The IOMC workshop multi-stakeholder expert in Geneva will contribute to the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 and ICCM5. It will discuss guiding principles for economic sectors and industries, while parallel online consultations will gather perspectives from key sectors like retail, electronics, and healthcare.
Over a two-day period, participants will discuss the following topics:
- Guidelines and principles to support chemical and waste strategies in economic sectors and industries
- Review of draft annotated outline/draft text
- Elements and activities for a possible “Beyond 2020” Implementation Programme
- Creating momentum in specific sectors and industries in advance and beyond ICCM 5
- Preparation for ICCM5
MIE2, Chemin de Balexert 7/91219 Geneva

Conference "Plastics in the 21st Century: New Materials and Processes"
FYI All presentations are in German except for those with English titles
The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Technical University Berlin in cooperation with the Chemical Invention Factory is hosting on Friday, 30th of June (9 am - 5 pm) the Conference "Plastics in the 21st Century: New Materials and Processes."In this format, business representatives outline the challenges facing the industry in short presentations, researchers present the current state of science, and startups present approaches to solutions. This time the focus is on these aspects:- Material concepts & material recycling- Chemical Recycling- Synthesis & FeedstockThe keynote will be delivered by John Warner, co-founder of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry. The day will conclude with networking sessions on various plastics applications with the goal of initiating potential research collaborations or transferring existing technologies.Registration is open until June 25, 2023. The conference will take place at Coworking Space EINS at Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin. Participation in the event is free of charge, the number of participants is limited.
15th Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School
Sustainable Development through Green Chemistry
15th Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School aims to disseminate good, advanced and basic chemical sciences and scientific know-how for the future careers of the students. The summer school will also provide a platform for postgraduate students from different countries to interact with well-known scientists in the field of green chemistry, exchange ideas with peers and build a research network.
The school is open to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers from all over the world.Participants are given the opportunity to present their research. The best posters will be selected and awarded at an awards ceremony.The 15th Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School will be held online and on-site.

9th Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Crisis
The climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges of ourtime. Without additional efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, global warming is likely to exceed 2°C by the end of the 21st century (UNEP 2022).The programme of the summer school includes theoretical lectures, practical workshops, group discussions and an excursion to exemplify and deepen important aspects of sustainable chemistry and climate crisis.
The first part of the summer school will provide an overview and the latest insights in sustainable chemistry itself and chemicals management in general.In the second part participants will gain insights into an understanding of the challenges and latest developments of innovation within the chemical industry for reducing GHG emissions. Related value chains will be elaborated focusing on Sustainable Chemistry, low-emission processes and products.
Leuphana University Lüneburg, Universitätsallee 121335 Lüneburg

ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry & Sustainable Energy
Colorado School of Mines
The ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry & Sustainable Energy offers students a week-long educational programme. Students attend lectures by professors and industry scientists on Sustainable Chemistry topics, engage in discussions, participate in poster presentations and spend time getting to know each other. Former participants in the programme have gone on to become leaders in the field of Green Chemistry and provide participants with a network of contacts.
Typically, around 60 students from all around America participate each year representing a diverse group of graduate students.
Application Deadline: Monday, January 30, 2023
1500 Illinois St.80401 Golden

6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry
Dipartimento di Chimica e Biologia "A. Zambelli"
The 6th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry is a central event for the community of researchers working on the various aspects of sustainability.
The conference offers a line-up of plenary and keynote speakers who will provide an up-to-date overview of all research areas that are crucial for the development of Green and Sustainable Chemistry.
The topics of the 6th EuGSC will cover the broader field of Green Chemistry and technology, with a focus on the following topics:
- biomass and CO2 utilization
- alternative fuels and green energy
- benign low-energy chemical processes
- pollution prevention and remediation
- Green Chemistry metrics and environmental assessment
- sustainable industrial processes
- waste recycle and valorization
- circular (bio)economy
Stecche 7 e 8 - Terzo Piano84084 Salerno

GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2023
Rethinking Chemistry
The Science Forum Chemistry (“Wissenschaftsforum Chemie“, WiFo) by Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) has established itself as a platform where chemistry presents itself in all its breadth as an integrative scientific and industrial discipline. In 2023, "Rethinking Chemistry" will be the main theme. Rethinking Chemistry is more important than ever to address the most pressing challenges of our time such as climate change, energy scarcity and new legislation (European Green Deal). WiFo 2023 will show how each area of chemistry can make its own contribution to addressing these challenges.
The main topics of the plenary symposia are "Rethinking Chemistry - Concepts" and "Rethinking Chemistry - Sustainability Strategies".
Other topics are:
- synthesis and catalysis
- materials
- energy, resources and the environment
- life sciences
- chemistry education
- interdisciplinary symposiums
Exact venue to be accounced.Leipzig

2nd Berlin Forum on Chemicals and Sustainability
Just Transition towards a Pollution-free Planet
During the 2nd Berlin Forum, Steffi Lemke, the Federal Environment Minister, will participate alongside representatives from various sectors including governments, international organizations, industry, civil society, and science. Their objective is to identify the crucial areas and strategies that are necessary to protect human health and the environment from dangerous chemicals. This will take place ahead of the Fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5).
The 2nd Berlin Forum will take place as an online event. A detailed programme will follow.
Registration link will be sent to all participants in the coming weeks.
Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) tools and case studies
Training Session for SMEs
Do you know how to implement SSbD in your business?If you want to learn more about the SSbD concept and how to implement it, then join us for IRISS’ first SSbD training session for SMEs!In this training session, your company will get an overview of the SSbD concept, learn more about LCA methods and tools, and get an insight into the implementation of SSbD through two case studies.
Fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5)
organized by UNEP and hosted by the government of Germany
The 5th session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), organized by UNEP and hosted by the government of Germany who holds the presidency of this fifth session of the Conference, will take place from 25 to 29 September 2023 at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB) with a High-level Segment (HLS) on 28 and 29 September 2023.

ISC3 Investor Forum 2023
Creating an Ecosystem for Sustainable Chemistry Innovations - Promoting Sustainable Investments and Support Frameworks
The annual ISC3 Investor Forum (IF) unites founders, investors, scientists and decision-makers from industry and politics in a discussion on the role of financing mechanisms to secure the innovation pipeline, and the very specific dynamics of the Sustainable Chemistry innovation eco-system. ISC3 IF panel discussions are matched by pitching sessions and innovation showcases of cutting-edge entrepreneurs, as well as speed dating and networking opportunities with international investors. The Investor Forum also hosts the award ceremony and presentations of the finalists of the global ISC3 Innovation Challenge.
This year, the ISC3 will host its 5th Investor Forum again in person on September 28th, 2023 within the side programme of the 5th World Chemical Conference (ICCM5, September 25th- September 29th, 2023) in Bonn, Germany. You can look forward to a day full of pitch presentations of Sustainable Chemistry innovators from the ISC3 Global Start-up Service and its partner organisations. A panel discussion on promoting investments and support frameworks to foster the Sustainaible Chemistry innovations is also on the agenda.The Investor Forum 2023 will close with the announcement and live award ceremony for the winners of the ISC3 Innovation Challenge on Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture which is endowed with a total of EUR 25,000.Our flagship event fosters innovation and international investment by introducing financiers to a selected group of high-quality investment opportunities, especially from Africa, Latin-America, Europe and South Asia. Our event focuses on Sustainable Start-ups in the chemical and chemical-related sectors such as Bioeconomy, Green Tech, Clean Tech, Construction, Textile, Waste Management, Agriculture and more.
WCCB - World Conference Centre Bonn, Platz d. Vereinten Nationen 253113 Bonn

CO2 Win Conference
CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial application
Final Conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial application"
We invite you to join us at the final conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2-WIN" on September 28 and 29, 2023 in Berlin.In this event, all funded projects will present and discuss their results. We are looking forward to welcoming project partners from industry and science. Furthermore, you can get in touch with representatives of the BMBF and the project management organization PtJ.As venue we could win the Palais Kulturbrauerei and the common dinner will take place in the Sauriersaal of the Museum für Naturkunde. All this is free of charge for you!Take the opportunity to get in touch with the different stakeholders and learn about the implementation and exploitation of the project results.
Get Insights into the Content of the MSc. Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana Professional School
Taster Course "Introduction to the Concept of Benign by Design"
Do you want to get insights in the content of the M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry? Then please register for the Taster Course “Introduction to the Concept of Benign by Design” on 4th of October, 2023 at 4pm (UTC+2).
The professional Masters programme M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry provides expert interdisciplinary training in sustainable chemistry. The unique curriculum teaches – from the molecular level to global product flows, sustainability assessment and alternative business models for chemical products – how to understand and apply chemistry in the context of sustainability. The programme is aimed at highly motivated international professionals with a degree (B.Sc. or M.Sc.) in chemistry, chemical, bio,- and environmental engineering, pharmacy, biochemistry or related fields and at least one year of relevant work experience who wish to integrate expertise in sustainability into their professional portfolio.

Get Insights into the Content of the MSc. Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana Professional School-duplicate-1
Taster Course "Introduction to the Concept of Benign by Design"
Do you want to get insights in the content of the M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry? Then please register for the Taster Course “Introduction to the Concept of Benign by Design” on 4th of October, 2023 at 4pm (UTC+2).
The professional Masters programme M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry provides expert interdisciplinary training in sustainable chemistry. The unique curriculum teaches – from the molecular level to global product flows, sustainability assessment and alternative business models for chemical products – how to understand and apply chemistry in the context of sustainability. The programme is aimed at highly motivated international professionals with a degree (B.Sc. or M.Sc.) in chemistry, chemical, bio,- and environmental engineering, pharmacy, biochemistry or related fields and at least one year of relevant work experience who wish to integrate expertise in sustainability into their professional portfolio.
Chemical Convention
hosted by CEFIC
The conference will tackle topics about the latest intelligence, trends and developments: An economic and geopolitical outlook, current insights into REACH, a pitstop on Europe’s energy ambitions, preparing for the CBAM transition, national transition plans and the next institutional cycle.
- 4 October
- 14:00 – 15:00 – Carbon, Electrons and Euros – How to Bring it All Together?
- 5 October
- 09:00 – 10:00 – The World in 2024 – A Geopolitical & Economic Outlook
- 10:00 – 10:45 – The Latest on REACH – A conversation with MEP Martin Hojsík and Cefic’s Steven Van de Broeck
- 11:05 – 12:00 – EU Energy Targets – the Journey to 2040 and Beyond
- 12:45 – 13:40 – Navigating the CBAM Transition: Practical Insights for the Chemical Industry
- 13:45 – 14:40 – National Spotlight – Charting Implementation of Transition Pathways
- 14:45 – 15:40 – The Latest Intelligence on the EU 2024 Institutional Cycle
- 6 October
- 10:30 – 11:30 – A Journey into the Future of AI, with Prof. Pieter Abbeel, Professor in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics at UC Berkeley

Get to know the Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management
Information Session on Extra Occupational Study Programmes at Leuphana Professional School
For information on application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School, please visit the information session on 11th of October, 2023. After a general introduction, there will be the possibility to book individual consultation slots for a "Quick Check Application".
Please register here: https://survey.academiccloud.de/index.php/756218?lang=en
Chemistry is the key enabling science for products we use in our everyday life. Every sector has been and is being shaped by chemical innovations. Chemistry, as a science and as an industry, is indispensable to secure a sustainable development of all our societies. To meet the requirements set by political frameworks, e.g. the Transition Pathway for the Chemical Industry and the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability towards a toxic-free environment, there is the need to understand and apply chemistry in the context of sustainability. For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry needs to be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability.
Sustainable chemistry is a broader, more holistic and systems-thinking oriented framework in contrast to green chemistry. Therefore, the curriculum goes far beyond green chemistry and offers unique new perspectives on how chemistry can and must contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030.
Therefore, two worldwide unique, on-line, and accredited extra-occupational study programmes were developed at the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry (INSC) of Leuphana University and the Leuphana Professional School. This was done in close cooperation with the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3).
Hence, both programmes cover a wide range of topics and issues relevant to shape the transformation towards sustainability. The M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry provides expert interdisciplinary training to understand and apply chemistry in the context of sustainability. The MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management integrates transformative management practices connected to the chemical enterprise with sustainable chemistry. Whereas the M.Sc. targets chemists and closely related disciplines, the MBA is also open for non-chemists.
Both Professional Master‘s programmes are taught in English and are designed as distance learning programmes with few on-campus classroom sessions offering practical experiences and opportunities for networking.Get to know your favourite sustainable chemistry programme better and clarify your questions regarding application and admission in the online info sessions on 11 October 2023.
More Infos about the Courses:
Master Sustainable Chemistry
Sustainable Chemistry Management
schem@leuphana.de and
5-HT X-Linker 2023
Call for startup applications for the next 5-HT X-Linker 2023: GENERATIVE AI IN CHEMISTRY & PHARMA - Focus on solutions for R&D and Business 💥Startups, this is YOUR opportunity to pitch to our global community and to be paired with each of our corporate partners (aws, BASF, BIX, FUCHS, Google, Lilly, nVIDIA, SAP, SCHOTT) in exclusive speed dating sessions.

Prior to the event day, the selected startups will receive professional pitch training from us to be best prepared for their final presentation.The event is open for already established startups as well as startups that are not yet founded.👀 So startups, if you offer Generative AI solutions for R&D and Business - take your chance and apply!🎯 Date: Friday, October 13, 2023, 9am – 3pm CET (Virtual)🎯 Startup application here: https://lnkd.in/e3A_-W4h🎯 Application: now open until Sept 17, 2023
31st International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and 11th International Congress on Biodiversity
ISCNP31 & ICOB11 provide an opportunity to interact with leading scientists from around the world who are making their contributions to various aspects and applications in the field of chemistry of natural products and biodiversity science.
The main objective of this conference is to highlight advances, innovations and future perspectives in these research areas and to create a fruitful environment that promotes international collaboration and mutual exchange of ideas. Experts and young scientists will have the opportunity to present their research, while industry representatives will present the latest applications of natural products.
The ISCNP31 & ICOB11 cover topics such as
- Innovative and Eco-Friendly Materials
- Biodiversity and Chemical Ecology
- New Methodologies in Natural Products Research
Hotel Royal Continental, Via Partenope 3880121 Naples

Online Master Study Programmes in the field of Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana Professional School
Application for the MSc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management by 10 December 2023
At Leuphana Professional School, two online extra-occupational Master‘s programmes are offered for highly motivated international professionals who wish to integrate expertise in sustainable chemistry or management of sustainable chemistry into their professional portfolio. The next cohort will start in March 2024. Applications can be submitted by 10 December 2023.In addition, topic-specific certificates are offered as flexible entry options to continuing education in chemistry for sustainability. More information on the course contents, application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School can be found on the websites:MSc: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/masters-studies/sustainable-chemistry.htmlMBA: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/masters-studies/sustainable-chemistry-management.html
For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry must be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability. The Master's programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School try to close this gab and bring more awareness and knowledge about sustainability into companies to promote their transformation to meet the Agenda 2030. Therefore, the study programmes combine the acquisition of sound expertise in the field of sustainable chemistry and its management with interdisciplinary competencies and soft skills to comprehensively prepare students for future leadership tasks. Both Professional Master’s programmes are taught in English and are designed as distance-learning programmes with only a few on-campus classroom sessions offering laboratory work and opportunities for networking. The innovative online learning platform provides all teaching materials at any time for a flexible learning experience that adapts to the student’s professional and private schedule.
IRISS workshop:
Internationalization of the application of SSbD in materials and chemicals
To ensure that materials are sustainable for humans and the environment, to increase recycling and to use resources in a more efficient way, efforts are required from an early stage of design and manufacturing.
On the 26th of October at 14.30 CEST it’s time for the first IRISS International workshop, gathering SSbD experts from countries outside of the EU. Join us to have your say on the implementation and operationalisation of the SSbD Roadmap!The workshop aims to:
- engage experts in SSbD from countries outside of the EU and expand the knowledge about SSbD to reach a widespread impact
- collect global inputs on SSbD to further contribute to the co-creation and more effective implementation and operationalisation of the SSbD Roadmap
- enhance the further collaboration on SSbD at the International level by integrating challenges, opportunities and real needs in the specific services which can be provided by the IRISS community for the real operationalisation of the SSbD system

Find your “perfect match” on the Chem-Match:
Corporates meet Startups 2023 “Green & Digital”
The Green Deal and digital transformation are just two challenges facing the chemical industry. Our goal is to connect promising startups with chemical corporates so that the challenges can develop common opportunities. That’s why we are offering our international matchmaking chem match for the fifth time: Corporates meet startups “Green & Digital” – this year hybrid (Frankfurt/Main + online).
Matchmaking event and CIEX conference
Thursday, 26 October 2023, in Frankfurt/Main
Friday, 27 October 2023, online
The matchmaking event will take place as part of the chemical conference CIEX Europe – The Chemical Innovation Conference. It is aimed at startups as well as SMEs and large companies in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, bioelectronics and digital process management/digital innovations.Participation in online matchmaking is free of charge.
Registration: https://chem-match2023.b2match.io/
Special offer for startups: The 10 startups (1 person per company) with the most confirmed conversations at the B2B event can attend the CIEX conference free of charge on 25 and 26 October 2023. Other tickets can be purchased here for a fee: https://ciex-eu.org/#tile_timer.Book conversations with IP experts: During matchmaking on 26 and 27 October 2023, you will have the opportunity to book free calls with IP experts. Take the opportunity to ask your questions about IP and get useful tips and support.
👉 The event of Enterprise Europe Network #EENHessen is organised with #CIEX Europe Conference, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG Industry Park Höchst, European IP Helpdesk 5-HT Digital Hub - Chemistry & Health International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) Arbeitgeberverband Chemie und verwandte Industrien für das Land Hessen e.V. and EIT Manufacturing#eencanhelp
Sustainability Science Lecture: A healthy planet for all
Why and how to strengthen gender equality in international chemicals policy
To ensure a chemical-safe and sustainable future for all, gender experts and women's organisations are actively involved in international processes and advocate for a gender-responsive international chemicals policy.Participation by zoom is possible:Meeting ID: 932 0673 2182Password: 031305
Anna Holthaus, Project Coordinator for Gender and Chemicals at the MSP Institute, will present current policy debates and women's activities and invites you to discuss a feminist perspective on chemicals policy.
7th Industrial Green Chemistry World - IGCW 2023
Convention & Ecosystem
The IGCW-2023 will continue to serve as a platform for the chemical industry to explore diverse local and international success stories, models, tools, applications, and solutions for implementing “Green & Sustainable” manufacturing practices as a profit-centric approach to waste prevention and minimisation.
- Facilitate learning from global green chemistry leaders and experts
- Bring together key stakeholders of Indian Chemical Industry including senior Govt. officials
- Provide a conducive ecosystem that can accelerate the implementation and industrialization of Green & Sustainable Chemistry
- Enable learning from Industry peers and practitioners of successful case-studies
- Invite subject-specific solutions and technology providers to showcase at IGCW EXPO
- Encourage collaborative initiatives by offering industrial networking platform to Researchers, Scientists, and Technocrats.
- Recognise and acknowledge initiatives in “Green & Sustainable Chemistry” through IGCW-2023 Awards
The Westin Garden Mumbai City, Oberoi Garden City, International Business Park, Yashodham, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063, Indien400063 Mumbai

Online Master study programmes in the field of sustainable chemistry at Leuphana Professional School
Application for the MSc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management by 10 December 2023
At Leuphana Professional School, two online extra-occupational Master‘s programmes are offered for highly motivated international professionals who wish to integrate expertise in sustainable chemistry or management of sustainable chemistry into their professional portfolio.The next cohort will start in March 2024. Applications can be submitted by 10 December 2023.In addition, topic-specific certificates are offered as flexible entry options to continuing education in chemistry for sustainability. More information on the course contents, application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School can be found on the websites:MSc: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/masters-studies/sustainable-chemistry.htmlMBA: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/masters-studies/sustainable-chemistry-management.html
For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry must be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability. The Master's programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School try to close this gab and bring more awareness and knowledge about sustainability into companies to promote their transformation to meet the Agenda 2030. Therefore, the study programmes combine the acquisition of sound expertise in the field of sustainable chemistry and its management with interdisciplinary competencies and soft skills to comprehensively prepare students for future leadership tasks. Both Professional Master’s programmes are taught in English and are designed as distance-learning programmes with only a few on-campus classroom sessions offering laboratory work and opportunities for networking. The innovative online learning platform provides all teaching materials at any time for a flexible learning experience that adapts to the student’s professional and private schedule.
Master Programmes in the field of Sustainable Chemistry
Get to know the MSc. Sustainable Chemistry and the MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management
Discover chemistry in the context of sustainable development and management – in the English-language study programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School. Get to know your favourite sustainable chemistry programme better and clarify your questions regarding application and admission in the online info session on 13 November 2023.
For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry must be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability. Therefore, two worldwide unique, online, and accredited extra-occupational study programmes were developed at the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry (INSC) of Leuphana University and the Leuphana Professional School. This was done in close cooperation with the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3).
13th World Congress on Green Chemistry and Technology
Sustainable Chemistry and its key role in waste management and essential public service to minimize impacts upon the environment
The conference enables interdisciplinary groups of globally recognised experts in the field of Green Chemistry and technology to network, discuss their ideas and make suggestions for future research. The conference is aimed at professionals at all levels and career stages in the chemical, pharmaceutical and petroleum industries who want to improve their understanding of what will define and shape the future of the market. Young researchers and students will also have the opportunity to gain new perspectives and build strong networks with experts.
The 13th World Congress on Green Chemistry and Technology will cover topics such as:
- Cleaner Production
- Biomass and bio-energy
- Pollution prevention and control
- Green energy and renewable resources
- Recycling of waste materials
- Green economy
- New ideas for non-toxic by-products
- Green production
- Waste prevention
Exact venue to be accounced.Amsterdam

4th Sustainability Transformation Conference
hosted by German Environment Agency (UBA) and Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Experts from the areas of politics, business, academia and civil society and other stakeholders will discuss the topic „Resilience in times of multiple crises. What can circularity, sufficiency and efficiency do for the transformation to sustainability?”
The conference will discuss, how in times of multiple crises a future-oriented environmental policy needs to readjust in order to support sustainability transformations that lead to more resilience:
- Panel 1: Towards a resilient future in Germany and in Europe?
- Panel 2: How can a circular economy in Germany and the EU contribute to global sustainable development?
- Panel 3: A resilient, efficient and climate-neutral energy system
- Final Panel: New paradigms and approaches needed in the chemical sector
Stresemannstraße 128-13010117 Berlin

8th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry
AOC-GSC8 is organised by the Centre for Green Chemical Science (CGCS), The University of Auckland, and aims to promote Green and Sustainable Chemistry in the Asia-Oceania region. The latest advances in Green and Sustainable Chemistry are the subject of the conference. This refers to the development of new processes that reduce the application or production of hazardous substances.
The conference will cover topics such as
- energy
- green synthesis and catalysis
- toxicology
- waste remediation and valorisation
- biobased products
- Green Chemistry education
- environmental policy
- management focusing on stimulating innovation
The University of Auckland, 22 Symonds St, Auckland CBD1010 Auckland

Green Chemistry Connections Webinar
Beyond Benign
Read more about this month's expert speakers from the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaboration Center (ISC3) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) below.
"Sustainable Chemistry: Preview of ISC3's Vision and E-learning Module"Speakers: Jens Krol and Juanita Halblaub (ISC3)
Jens is from the Netherlands, has a master’s in biotechnology and has worked as a chemistry teacher in the Netherlands and in Afghanistan through a special program of the German government. He currently manages the educational activities of ISC3. He loves Chemistry education and is therefore very happy to be part of this Green Chemistry Connection.
Juanita holds an MBA in international business and works at the ISC3 on the topic of sustainable chemistry innovation. She currently works on a publication that discusses examples of Sustainable Chemistry and is excited to share some of those examples with you.
Jens Krol and Juanita Halblaub will present products the ISC3 is developing and are looking forward to getting as much feedback as possible!
"UNEP Manuals on Green and Sustainable Chemistry"Speaker: Colin Hannahan (UNEP)
Colin has worked on green and sustainable chemistry as a consultant with the UNEP chemicals and health branch since January 2021. Originally from the U.S.A., Colin holds his bachelor’s in chemical engineering from the University of Massachusetts and a Masters in Sustainable Chemistry from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia in Spain. He has experience working with a range of stakeholders on strengthening green chemistry education and the science-policy interface.
IGCW Steps - Somaya University Mumbai, India
Workshops on Green and Sustainable Chemistry
The Indian chemicals sector stands out as one of the most rapidly advancing industries globally.
It has attained the status of being the sixth-largest chemical producer, with a market size of $178 billion in 2021. As per industry reports, the sector is poised for further expansion, with an anticipated CAGR of 11–12%, reaching a value of $290-310 billion by 2027.Dr. Bazzanella and Dr. Kümmerer of ISC3 will be travelling to India, Mumbai, Somaya Vidyavihar University on Saturday, January 20th, 2024, to hold a workshop on “Green and Sustainable Chemistry”.
The event is organized and facilitated by Green ChemisTree Foundation, Somaya Vidyavihar University, Beyond Benign Green Chemistry Education, Syensqo and ISC3. If you are around, make sure to pass by and learn about green and sustainable chemistry solutions and thinking!
Vidyanagar, Vidya Vihar East, Vidyavihar400077 Mumbai

UpScaling! Reverse Pitch
information and networking event on the topic of revenue (pre-)financing for German Start-Ups
UpScaling! Reverse Pitch (www.upscaling.eu) is an information and networking event on the topic of turnover (pre-)financing, at which, for the first time, about 20 providers will present their solutions specifically for scale-ups.
The event will take place on 30.1.2024 in Frankfurt as an all-day event and is aimed at scale-ups with a turnover of approx. € 1 million or more, as well as their investors.
Please note that the event is subject to a participant fee.
The debt capital solutions presented can be used as an alternative or in addition to venture capital. The focus is on leasing, factoring and venture debt in general, as well as for SaaS scale-ups on revenue-based solutions, specifically. Further information and the registration link can be found at www.upscaling.eu and/or https://www.ba-frm.de/veranstaltung/upscaling-kick-off/ in German language only.
The English version can be found here.
Click at the link for the informational website for further information, such as:
1. The most up-to-date program
2. Registration link
3. Website for the UpScaling! Kick-Off, which took place on 31.10.2023
This event is brought to you by Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain and supported by Taylor Wessing as our event partner. The UpScaling! project is funded by the Hessian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing as part of the measure "Projects to increase competitiveness and start-up motivation".
Frankfurt am MainDE
Webinar Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Change
Climate Action in the Production and Use of Chemicals - Approaches, Results and Lessons Learnt
The chemical industry is not only an extremely important pillar of modern life and the global economy, but also, it is also a key player for tackling climate change. On the one hand, the chemical and petrochemical industries account for around 10% of the world´s final energy demand and 7.4% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) (IPCC 2022). On the other hand, it has also big potentials for providing climate-friendly solutions to other sectors.
The Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI), launched in early 2021 and financed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) within the framework of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), aims to support selected developing countries with information and capacity building on the nexus chemistry – climate change.
After 3 years of implementing international activities and intense cooperation with selected partner, CAPCI in cooperation with its partner institution organizes a webinar to discuss the main findings, results and lessons learnt of the implementation of CAPCI with the focus on the presentation of partner country activities, including demand-oriented trainings, stakeholder dialogues and roadmaps towards emission reduction in the chemical sector considering that realistic transformation pathways towards sustainable and climate-friendly chemical production are needed for tackling the triple crisis, including particularly the interlinkages between pollution prevention and climate protection which is a substantial contribution for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Modernizing Hazard Indicators
A science-society dialogue for modernizing chemical hazard assessment
A collaboration of various Helmholtz Centers is currently working on Modernizing Hazard Indicators (ModHaz). The ModHaz project team, led by Prof. Dr. Beate Escher, has developed a new concept for the assessment of chemicals that aims to increase both the throughput of the chemicals to be assessed and to evaluate them comparatively. Additionally, we aim to initiate a paradigm shift towards animal-free testing in assessments.
After conducting four online workshops with stakeholder from civil society, regulation, industry and research, a synthesis workshop will take place in Berlin, bringing together all four stakeholder groups. The aim is to identify alternative pathways for hazard assessment and PBT assessment in EU chemicals policy, to discuss them with four stakeholder groups and to draw up a policy brief on this basis.
tbdtbd Berlin

Global launch of the GEF-FARM programme
Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management
Join us on 12 March for the global launch of the GEF Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management (FARM) Programme.FARM is a $37 million, 5-year programme (with $341M in co-finance) that aims to catalyze a framework for regulatory and financial investment to detoxify the agriculture sector.Individual projects within #GEFFARM will take place in Ecuador, India, Kenya, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Uruguay, and Viet Nam.
Learn more and RSVP ggkp.org/FARMGlobalLaunch
Every year the agriculture sector:
Applies 4+ million tonnes of pesticides
Uses 12.5 million tonnes of plastics
Generates about 1/3 of global GHG emissions
The #GEFFARM programme aims to reduce these harmful impacts by catalzying a framework for
regulatory and financial investment to detoxify the agriculture sector.
Projects will take place in:
Viet Nam
Learn more and RSVP for the global launch on 12 March | https://ggkp.org/FARMGlobalLaunch
BETD.24 - Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
10th anniversary edition
Since its inception in 2015, the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) has become one of the world’s most important forums on the global energy transition. In a high-caliber conference program held over the course of two days at the Federal Foreign Office, the BETD facilitates personal exchange between high-ranking government representatives, global business leaders, scientists, leaders of international organisations and NGOs. Here, key decision-makers of the energy transition engage in dialogue and bilateral meetings to share ideas and experiences, discuss and solve urgent challenges and forge energy partnerships in pursuit of an environmentally sound, secure and affordable global energy transition.
An energy transition that achieves one hundred percent renewable energy is possible. That message was the starting point for the dialogue that was initiated eight years ago; today it is clearer than ever how paramount that goal is to combatting the climate crisis we face. Countries all over the world recognise the unprecedented urgency that is driving the energy transition. What is at stake is more than saving the climate. A renewables-based energy supply is also a powerful job engine that will provide skilled employment and grow prosperity as it promotes a reliable, locally sourced energy system based on decentralised, resilient technologies.
The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue is not only the largest event hosted by the Federal Foreign Office, it is also the largest and longest-running energy transition conference organised by the German government. The BETD takes place at the invitation of the German government and is organised jointly with the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE), the German Solar Association (BSW), the German Energy Agency (dena) and the consulting firm eclareon.
In 2024, the BETD will celebrate its 10th anniversary.
Start Up Energy Transition (SET) Tech Festival 2024
& SET Award 2024 Ceremony
Start-ups and innovation are playing a crucial role in our net zero future. That is why we want to give a voice to the innovators of tomorrow to ensure that, firstly, decision makers place energy innovation at the top of their agendas and secondly, that industry leaders employ innovation as the clear path to their decarbonisation goals.
SET Tech Festival 2024 takes place on 19 March 2024 in Berlin.
Link to we don't have time app: https://app.wedonthavetime.org/profile/SET
Paid event at contained prizes: https://dena.my-ticketing.com/register/112250?language=en
Westhafen Convention Centre Berlin, SEKTOR B, Lagerhalle 1 Westhafenstraße 113353 Berlin

IRISS Start-Up and Innovation Event
at ChemBio Finland 2024
ChemBio Finland is the most significant event for the chemistry and biotechnology professionals in the Nordic Countries and Baltic regions. It gathers the most recent information of the industries together with distinguished professionals, companies and their decision makers. The event provides effective encounters and creates a forum for both the academic world and the business world to meet.
To register for the Startup and Innovation Forum - Safe and Sustainable by Design organised by IRISS, LYYTI, VTT, and partners in the frame of ChemBio Finland 2024, please register here: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Startup_and_Innovation_Forum__Safe_and_Sustainable_by_Design_6581
The forum brings together start-ups, industry, academia and public sector representatives. During the forum you will have a good opportunity to network with start-up and industry representatives. There are interesting company presentations, and we will hear more on the EU Commission framework of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design (SSbD) chemicals and materials. Aim of the framework and SusChemFI is to drive innovation, investment and research in chemistry and biotechnology to address societal challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity and environmental pollution.
Messukeskus organizes the ChemBio Finland event together with Finnish Chemical Societies, Finnish Bioindustries (FIB) and the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland.
To check out the whole trade show programme, please visit: https://chembio.messukeskus.com/programmes/?lang=en#programmeDay=39600
Messukeskus, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki, Southern Finland00520 Helsinki

To facilitate meaningful discussions, ICCA is organizing two events on Saturday, April 20, and Sunday, April 21. These events will provide a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and collaborative problem-solving. We are therefore honored to invite you to the following:
Roundtable: Driving a coordinated approach on addressing trade as part of global efforts to address plastic pollution – Saturday, April 20, 11:00 am at the Westin Hotel (Provinces Room).
Addressing plastic pollution in the environment requires a range of solutions. Working with multilateral organizations on addressing and removing trade barriers as part of global efforts to address plastic pollution promotes access, investment, technical assistance, and capacity building in waste management and recycling technologies.
The session will focus on driving engagement between industry leaders and policymakers to explore innovative strategies to foster a trade-facilitative model aligning key multilateral efforts including trade language in the International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI); transboundary movement requirements under the Basel Convention; and ongoing dialogues/agendas within the World Trade Organization and other groups. This dynamic discussion will provide an overview of trade-related efforts to date, and opportunities to drive a coordinated, cooperative approach among these efforts. The focus will be on encouraging access to feedstock while supporting trade and investment in waste management/recycling economic models. The session will include table specific discussions to develop further recommendations on a trade-facilitating approach aligned with Basel implementation and leveraging ongoing multilateral trade activity.
Roundtable: Chemicals and Plastics: Enhancing Plastics for a Sustainable Future – Sunday, April 21, 11:30 am at the Westin Hotel (Provinces Room).
Participants will be invited to engage in an interactive session to exchange perspectives on improving the transparency on plastic additives and the use of risk-based tools to enable decision-making as advanced by the Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC). The discussion will convene a group of industry leaders, who will be seated at a collection of tables amongst government representatives, to promote collaboration on the safe and sustainable use of additives.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, 17 April.
11 Colonel By DriveK1N 9H4 Ottawa

Training"Power-to-Chemicals" and "Sustainable Chemistry"
A Training of Trainers for professionals in Morocco
Attention to trainers and other professionals working on topics like Power-to-X or Sustainable Chemistry in Morocco: ISC3 and PtX-hub are organizing a 2 day training workshop about power to chemicals and sustainable chemistry.
There are still some spots available so send a message to the contact email if you are interested.
For more information, you can find the flyer here and the full concept here.
Towards the IRISS SSbD Roadmap: Feeding gap analysis data
Towards the IRISS Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) Roadmap: Feeding gap analysis data
Are you aware of what is being done for the SSbD approach implementation?
If you would like to have an update on the IRISS SSbD roadmap which is being developed, then join us for our online event on the 3rd of May from 13:00 to 15:00 CEST!
13:00 - 13:10 Welcome and Introduction, Eva Valsami-Jones (UoB)
13:10 - 13:50 SSbD Supportive Roadmap, Akshat Sudheshwar (EMPA)
13:50 - 14:00 Interactive Q&A, chaired by Lya Soeteman-Hernandez (RIVM)
14:00 - 14:20 VCs Roadmap inputs, Anne Chloe Devic (EU SSbD-Consulting)
14:20 - 14:50 Interactive Q&A, chaired by Anne Chloe Devic (EU SSbD-Consulting)
14:50 - 15:00 Wrap-Up and Conclusions, Eva Valsami-Jones (UoB)
Join our network to keep up to date with the latest developments in SSbD: iriss-ssbd.eu
Do you have suggestions for collaboration or specific training needs? Please contact us: iriss@ivl.se.
The project receives funding from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101058245. UK participants in Project IRISS are supported by UKRI grant 10038816. CH participants in Project IRISS receive funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI)
SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting
Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges.
The Scientific Committee for the SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting is committed to putting together a not-to-be-missed conference with an exciting scientific programme addressing the overarching theme of “Science-Based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges.”
In our post-pandemic world, with food and cost of living crises exacerbated by armed conflict, environmental quality and long-term sustainable solutions are at risk. Therefore, there is a demand for new science-based solutions to the challenges ahead. These include the re-design of the agri-food chain, the loss of biodiversity, changes in land use and coastal ecosystems, and new regulatory frameworks encouraging sustainable innovations in the chemical industry. Environmental science can contribute to tackling some of these mentioned changes, for example by realistic risk assessment of chemical pollution in soil and water (i.e., by incorporating state-of-the-art of bioavailability concepts), by determining the environmental safety of recycled materials, as well as by evaluating the life cycle of new products and processes and their effects on the ecosystem services. Integrative approaches are needed, that not only address the new potential risks, but identify renewable solutions to protect the natural resources, following the principles of the European Green Deal.
SETAC Europe 2024 will bring together scientists from various disciplines in academia, business/industry and government to share, debate, discuss, disseminate and facilitate the use and re-use of their most recent scientific knowledge to support adaptive and responsive environmental management and protection.
Find more information here.

8th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference
Scientific Conference in Dresden
The 8th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference will take place in Dresden in 2024 from May 13 to 15. Th conference is focused on inter- and transdisciplinary aspects of green and sustainable chemistry. Therefore, it adds nicely to already existing conferences on green chemistry in a complementary manner as it addresses also issues much beyond synthesis.
The high-level programme includes 14 different sessions ranging from climate mitigation, environmental sciences, circular economy, sustainable pharmacy to the application of bioresources and regenerative systems. In addition, social, economic and educational issues as well as sustainability metrics and assessment will be addressed to explore inter- and transdisciplinary aspects of green and sustainable chemistry.Abstracts for short talks and posters on the conference topics demonstrating a link to green and/or sustainable chemistry can be submitted until 8 December 2023.
Hotel Hilton, An der Frauenkirche 501067 Dresden

Techweek Science4Life
(in German)
TechSlam, TechCon, TechLounge: Science4Life TechWEEK offers a diverse program. Start-up pitches, keynotes, interactive workshops, life sessions as well as opportunities for online networking.
TechWEEK starts on Monday May 15th with a keynote on the success story of Science4Life alumni Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH and a panel discussion on the topic "On course for growth – How Germany produces many deep-tech start-ups".
Throughout TechWEEK, startups will present their innovative products and business ideas as part of our exhibition. Just drop by and take the opportunity to get to know many interesting startups and get in touch with them.
Programm Link: https://science4life.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/TechWEEK-Programm-mitDetails09.05.22-3.pdf(German only)
Webinar: The Role of Major Groups in the Science Policy
Panel for Chemicals, Waste and Pollution Prevention
This webinar is looking at the Institutional Arrangements and the Draft Rules of Procedure documents now available on the OEWG3 website.
This will also be the first opportunity to hear more about the idea of setting up a ‘SPP Science Alliance’ – a possible path for more inclusion of the science community and in the debate of a Science Policy Panel for Chemicals, Waste and Pollution Prevention!

Accelerating the Industrial Transition with Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design
Launch of the IRISS SSbD Community Platform
Welcome to a webinar on trends and possibilities with SSbD, highlights from the industry and the launch of the IRISS SSbD community.
Join this webinar on the 28th of May, where you will find out the possibilities and trends with SSbD and hear about good examples from the industry on the implementation of the framework in practice.
You will also be given the opportunity to take part in a dialogue to discuss identified needs and how to join forces to accelerate the transition towards SSbD. During the webinar, the IRISS community network for SSbD will be launched and you will have the opportunity to directly connect with us. All interested actors in SSbD, whether they are from industry, academia, policy bodies, authorities, NGOs, RTOs or freelancers are welcome to the IRISS community and to continue the practical implementation of SSbD.
15:00 Welcome, short background and introduction (Emma Strömberg, IVL & Lya Hernandez, RIVM)
15:05 Possibilities and trends with SSbD (Ann Dierckx, Director Innovation and Circular Economy at essenscia)
15:25 Implementing of SSbD in practice - Examples from the industry
15:45 Launch of the IRISS Community! - Network for cooperation and knowledge exchange (Erika Lundgren & Rebecca Larson, IVL)
15:55 Panel - Reflections on SSbD implementation (Moderator: Lya Hernandez, RIVM. Participants: Dmitri Petrovykh, INL; Philippe Jacques, EMIRI; Joel Tickner, Change Chemistry; Ann Dierckx, essenscia)
16:25 Summary (Lya Hernandez, RIVM)About IRISS
IRISS aims to connect, synergize and transform the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) community in Europe and globally towards a lifecycle approach. Read more about the projectBackground
In December 2022, a framework for Safe-and -Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) was announced by the European Commission. The aim was to (i) steer the innovation process towards the green and sustainable industrial transition, (ii) substitute or minimize the production and use of substances of concern as well as (iii) minimize the impact on health, climate and the environment during sourcing, production, use and end-of-life for chemicals, materials and products. Today the implementation of the concept for SSbD has progressed in the industry – challenges have been addressed and an approach, where safety, climate neutrality, circularity and functionality are integrated in the designing and manufacturing phase is being developed.
Register here.
Environment Week: Sustainable Chemistry for a sustainable future
ISC3 (Research & Education Hub) and N3 Nachhaltigkeitsberatung Dr. Friege & Partner
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) invite you to the "Week of the Environment" on 4 and 5 June. The park of Bellevue Palace in Berlin will be transformed into a city of tents and stages - with around 190 exhibitors and a programme of stages and specialist forums on current environmental topics and with well-known and high-ranking personalities from politics, society, business and science. Numerous clever ideas from all regions of Germany will be presented.
Sustainable Chemistry helps to protect the climate, preserve biodiversity and resources and improve our lives. Sustainable chemistry is therefore much more than just "Green Chemistry". Above all, "Green Chemistry" means producing chemicals in a climate and environmentally friendly way. This includes using energy and raw materials efficiently and sparingly and also replacing hazardous substances with less toxic ones that are more biodegradable in the environment.
None of this makes "chemistry" "sustainable": This is because the amount of chemicals produced worldwide is increasing. The energy used, the raw materials required and the waste produced are overstretching the earth's carrying capacity.
However, Sustainable Chemistry offers a solution here. Firstly, it asks whether we need chemicals at all for this or that purpose. Can we do without them? After all, for every chemical that is not produced, neither energy nor raw materials are consumed. The production and handling of chemicals is considered in terms of climate protection, the preservation of biodiversity, safe food and the protection of human rights. Sustainable solutions must therefore also take social and ethical aspects into account and involve all stakeholders along the life cycle of products and services.
Ultimately, Sustainable Chemistry is about ensuring that the diverse contributions that chemistry can and must make to sustainability are also made in a sustainable manner. Stefanie Wieck (Federal Environment Agency), Klaus Kümmerer (ISC3 - International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre and University of Lüneburg) and Henning Friege (N³ Nachhaltigkeitsberatung) will use a number of examples to show how Sustainable Chemistry works and is effective. In the discussion, which will be moderated by science journalist Ralph H. Ahrens, they will work with you to develop approaches for cases that interest you.
Information about the location and registration for free participation can be found here: https://www.woche-der-umwelt.de/
Bellevue Palace10557 Berlin
Road to OEWG 3 Series
Briefing on the Preparations for the 3rd Session of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on a Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution
This briefing on the third session of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on the Science-Policy Panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution (OEWG 3) taking place in Geneva, from 17 to 21 June 2024, will be held within the framework of the Geneva Environment Network, and conclude a series of events organized in preparations for OEWG 3. Check out WebEx link on Event Website! In presence registration and for online participation possible.
In its resolution 5/8, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) decided that a science-policy panel should be established to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. UNEA further decided to convene an OEWG to prepare proposals for the science-policy panel, to begin work in 2022 with the ambition of completing it by the end of 2024.
The second session of the Ad hoc Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG 2) took place in December 2023 in Nairobi, achieving significant progress. Discussions on institutional arrangements, operating principles, conflict of interest, and other work-related processes and procedures allowed governments to have a better idea of the future instrument’s structure and functioning, and they agreed on a clear roadmap for intersessional work towards the third session.
This briefing will provide updates on the preparations for the third session of the OEWG (OEWG 3), that will take place at the International Conference Center in Geneva (CICG) from 17 to 21 June 2024 and will be preceded by informal, regional and stakeholder consultations on 16 June 2024. The event will also bring regional and stakeholders’ perspectives on the process.
ISC3 exhibiting at Achema 2024
Since 106 years, Achema is home to the full scope of international technology and service solutions for the process industries.
ISC3 is seizing this opportunity and will be exhibiting with 5 start-up partners at Hall 6.0, Booth D2! On Wednesday, June 12th, the EY Green Innovation Stage will be home to the "ISC3 and Partner's Start-up Slam" again, where innovators, disruptors, and changemakers present their newest industrial solutions from the fields of international innovation, sustainability, carbon inset, AI, Automation, and many more fields!
Do not miss ISC3 and our partner's co-exhibiting and pitching start-ups, and be on the lookout for ISC3 invitations including voucher codes for quick and easy access in our social media accounts.
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, Hall 6.0, Booth D260327 Frankfurt am Main

Future of Homecare Cleaning Products Europe 2024
Galvanising the Homecare Cleaning Products Industry Through Economic and Sustainable Solutions
The Future of Homecare Cleaning Products Europe 2024, set for June 19th-20th in London, UK, will bring together senior executives from various sectors, including detergent manufacturing, raw material supply, and regulatory bodies. This event will focus on key industry challenges and opportunities, with two days of interactive discussions and networking for stakeholders in detergent manufacturing, cleaning supplies, sustainable packaging, and more.
Key topics include
- Improvements to Enable an Optimal Supply Chain
- Assessing Current State of Natural and Synthetic Raw Materials
- Capitalising on Homecare Cleaning Product Performance
- Solutions to Reduce Costs in Manufacturing and Transport of Homecare Products
- Technology Innovations Influencing Household Cleaning Products
- Evaluating Developments in Bio-Surfactants
- Enhancing Current Strategies for CO2 and Other Sustainability Targets
- Assessing Consumer Interactions to Improve Economy and Sustainability
tbatba London
Environmental Biodegradation Design and Case Studies in the Context of SSbD
Do you know how to implement SSbD in your company? If you want to learn more about environmental biodegradation design and regulations in the context of SSbD and how to apply the SSbD concept to specific case studies, then join us for our second SSbD training for SMEs!
In this session, you will learn about the Benign by Design approach to support the environmental design of small molecules and materials and the regulatory context of biodegradation for fragrances and biodegradable packaging. You will also get insight into the implementation of SSbD through three case studies.
Do you have suggestions for collaboration or specific training needs? Please contact us: iriss@ivl.se
10th Summer School: Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development 08 July-12 July 2024
Focus Topic: Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design
The Summer School Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development takes place from 8-12 July 2024 at Leuphana University in Lüneburg. The 10th edition of the summer school focuses on the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) concept as one tool among many for implementing Sustainable Chemistry. It is jointly organised by the ISC3 Research and Education Hub, Leuphana University and the IRISS project.The first part the summer school will provide an overview on concepts and approaches of sustainable chemistry. In the second part participants will gain an understanding of the SSbD concept, which was recently introduced by the European Commission to support the long-term goal of a toxic-free environment.
Sustainable Chemistry addresses usage of resources, design, manufacture and use of efficient, effective, safe and more environmentally benign chemical products and processes and also includes alternative business models and ethical aspects. The worldwide implementation of sustainable chemistry is key to reduce unwanted environmental, health and societal impacts of chemicals and chemical products along their entire life cycle. It aims to achieve more sustainable production and consumption.The EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability – towards a toxic-free environment was published in 2020 and is part of the European Green Deal. The strategy aims to further the transition towards chemicals that are safe and sustainable by design to avoid adverse effects on humans and the environment.Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) is a pre-market approach to chemicals, materials, products, and processes that integrates safety and sustainability aspects at early stages of the innovation process, taking a life cycle perspective. Following the launch of the SSbD framework by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, current work in the field of SSbD focuses on its implementation in industrial applications and the adaptation to the needs of specific sectors.
Universitätsallee 121335 Lüneburg

Science Slam
A whitty and fun starter and ramp up to Curious 2024 Conference
Buckle up, put down the books, and watch science come to life on the big stage with fun! In a crisp 10 minutes, young scientists from around Mainz/Germany present their aha moments from research in a very special way, no entry fee attached.
Fascinating insights into the wild world of knowledge, laugh until you drop and take home astonishing insights in amazement. How is that supposed to work? Quite simply: All this awaits you at our Science Slam 2024, starting out a fun Curious 2024 Event in German language!
KUZ Kulturzentrum Mainz, Dagobertstr. 20b55116 Mainz

Curious 2024
Merck Innovation Cup 2024 and Science Slam 2024
Inspiring keynotes, "Ignite Sessions", poster exhibition, "Nature Awards", Svience and Mentoring, Panel Discussions, Ask Me Anything (AMA) Circle, the Awarding of the Future InsightTM Prize, Workshops, Networking, Job Opportunities, the Johann Anton Merck Award, a Start-Up Fair, and a Dreamboard, among other incentives, are awaiting you in Mainz this year at Curious 2024!
On top, on 9 July 2024 at 18:30, a Science Slam is planned for the people of Mainz and interested guests of Curious. Selected young scientists from Mainz research institutions will present their research in 10 minutes in an exciting and funny way. The scientists, who will be selected by a jury, will receive training beforehand. The winner of the Slam will be invited to present his or her project in an Ignite session at Curious.
Frankfurter Str. 250, 64293 Darmstadt64293 Mainz

3rd Edition of the ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry Club
Avoiding and Substituting Single Use Plastics (SUP)
We are excited to invite you to the 2nd Edition of the ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry Club, focusing on Avoiding and Substituting Single Use Plastics (SUP). This webinar, in collaboration with the GIZ-CES Project, aims to raise awareness about the essential role of Sustainable Chemistry (SC) in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This edition will focus on avoiding and replacing single-use plastics (SUP). Participants will gain insight into the impact of sustainable chemistry on the SDGs by exploring innovative start-ups that develop alternatives to single-use plastics and packaging-free solutions. We will also delve into key policy and regulatory elements essential for sustainable innovations and encourage engaging dialogues among start-ups, policymakers, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with global experts, share ideas and contribute to a sustainable future - register now!
Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xCqcjAYxRAqs38zoNYumdQ#/registration
3rd Berlin Forum on Chemicals and Sustainability
Implementing the Global Framework on Chemicals
The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection will co-host the event with the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC). The IOMC organisations include the World Bank, WHO, UNDP, FAO, ILO, UNITAR, UNIDO, OECD, UNEP and the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. The Forum aims to facilitate high-level dialogue on cross-sectoral cooperation to implement the Global Framework on Chemicals and help tackle the pollution crisis.
Nearly one year since the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) adopted the Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC) – For a Planet free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste, the 3rd Berlin Forum will take stock of progress made in implementing the GFC with all stakeholders and sectors. What have we achieved so far? What are the next steps? How can we intensify our efforts? How can we cooperate efficiently across sectors?
The Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions has kindly agreed to moderate the Forum.
Livestream link
Registration for Berlin Forum Mailing list
Concept note download
Draft programme download
Hamburg Sustainability Conference
A New Era for Sustainability Alliances
The annual conference and its international satellites are a joint initiative of the United Nations (UNDP), the German Federal Government (BMZ), the Michael Otto Foundation and the City of Hamburg.
Uniting Policymakers and Business Leaders to Accelerate SDG Performance
Addressing challenges fast
We are running out of time to resolve existential threats such as poverty, hunger and climate change. We need courageous decisions and large-scale solutions. The Hamburg Sustainability Conference challenges barriers to SDG implementation, while steering momentum with a systemic approach to answer questions such as: How can value chains become climate-friendly and create more value for emerging societies and developing countries? How can the enormous potential of the private sector be unleashed to achieve the SDGs? And how can we help today's sustainability pioneers to set tomorrow's standards?
Confronting a world slowed down by conflict.
“The SDGs are in great difficulty," says UN Secretary-General António Guterres and calls for a rescue plan to save humanity and our planet. Our world is in transition. In times of increasing geopolitical crises, challenges are continually growing. A new impetus is needed to improve the ability of the global community to collaborate and advance the implementation of the SDGs by 2030.Improving global collaboration.
The Hamburg Sustainability Conference is driven by the vision that reaching the SDGs requires interdisciplinary and trustful collaboration among the international community. The conference aims to foster new partnerships and collective action of those who are willing to commit to action: global policymakers, private sector leaders, academia experts, and civil society representatives. Multilateral alliances will advocate for scalable projects and progressive policies. Open dialogues will lead to decisions that turn into concrete actions with measurable results.Getting the world on board.
Beyond convening participants from politics, business, science and civil society, the Hamburg Sustainability Conference supports the efforts of the United Nations by informing citizens locally and globally about the urgency of achieving the SDGs and inspiring them to contribute. This awareness aims to bring much-needed new hope regarding what the world is capable of when working better together.
More information to follow.

Circular Economy
Policy Making for Traceability of Chemicals along Value Chains
In the EU Interreg project ECHT, actors along the textile value chain (H&M, LIST, Inditex, Puma, Team2, etc.) are convinced that the traceability of chemicals in their products is an essential prerequisite for meeting the objectives of the Sustainable Textiles Strategy. As part of the project, roadmaps for the implementation of chemicals traceability in the industry will be developed – complemented by a policy action plan.
For this reason, together with the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is organizing a one-day event dedicated to this topic. Based on the project results from ECHT and expert contributions from the textile value chains and NGOs, the event aims to promote an active exchange with relevant stakeholders from industry and policy-makers.
After briefly presenting interesting insights and intermediate results from the ECHT project including the development of two potential future scenarios as well as a Theory of Change, the event addresses important issues such as:
- How do we overcome barriers that block the path to chemicals traceability?
- How can chemicals traceability requirements be reconciled with legitimate confidentiality requirements?
- How can stakeholders at the end of the life cycle benefit from full traceability of the chemicals contained in products?
- How can chemicals traceability be applied through global value chains?
Vertretung des Landes Hessen bei der EU, 21, Rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels
ISC3 Investor Forum at Impact Festival 2024
In 2024, Impact Festival 2024 is featuring the ISC3 Investor Forum 2024 (Pitches, Panel, Booth, Audience Award) and live Innovation Challenge Award Ceremony on October 30th and 31st, 2024, between 9 am and 8 pm, at Forum Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany. Both organisations, ISc3 and Impact Festival 2024, and all their variegated partners present are coming together in order to further kick-start financial and networking power for Sustainable Chemistry start-ups, and to start promoting sustainable innovation in chemistry together at the Impact Festival 2024, as well!
2024, ISC3 has again set out to live feature 10 start-up solutions (5 finalists+5 extra live pitches), and further digital presentations aiming at having SC start-ups promoted and financed, again!
Since 2021, Impact Festival strives to foster collaborations for sustainable innovation by connecting GreenTech start-ups and SMEs, corporate sustainability managers, and investors. By supporting an open exchange of knowledge and connecting key stakeholders, they aim to accelerate the sustainable transformation of our today's economy.
Impact Festival's first edition in 2021attracted already 2,100 attendees. The organisation behind the Impact Festival is neosfer, the innovation unit of Commerzbank which is deidcated to invest in B2B start-ups at an early stage and building prototypes based on new technologies.
More information here.
Waste Management & Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2024 lndonesia Focus
Waste Management & Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2024 lndonesia Focus is expecting more than 250 industry leaders and specialists from across the world. The event covers a wide spectrum of important topics on Investment in Municipal waste treatment, RDF to Power, Waste Incineration, Biomass & Waste gasification, flue gas treatment, biogas, biomass energy, Recycling, waste conversion, WtE power plant and Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia region.
Biomass & Bioenergy Asia Summit 2024 lndonesia Focus
Biomass & Bioenergy Asia Summit 2024 lndonesia Focus
BBAS2024 Indonesia is expecting more than 250 industry leaders and specialists from across the world. The event covers a wide spectrum of important topics on Investment in Palm Biomass Waste Pellet, Empty Fruit Bunch, Palm Kernel Shell, Sugar Cane Waste, Wood Chip, Biomass Combustion, Biomass Supply Chain, Biomass Pretreatment, Biomass and Gas Power Generation, Biogas upgrading, Biogas Engineering, Biogas Power Plant, Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuels, Aviation biofuel, palm oil, Waste water recovery energy, waste conversion, WtE power plant and Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia region.
Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHT 2024
Bringing Stakeholders Together
Online Event on Innovative Approaches for Climate-Friendly Solutions
Sustainable Chemistry facilitates the needs of the present without compromising future generations’ ecological, social, and economic needs. In 2024 the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) is hosting its next SPOTLIGHT event to bring stakeholders together and jointly create awareness for the urge to act. In our SPOTLIGHTS event format, we highlight selected core topics within Sustainable Chemistry, discuss their importance and foster exchange.
2024 we are focusing on innovative approaches on the nexus between Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Friendly Solutions.
At the online event, ISC3 will bring together different stakeholders and shed light on the role of Sustainable Chemistry in the pathway towards decarbonization of the chemical sector and associated sectors. We will look at what entrepreneurs, innovators, and stakeholders from policy and academia can offer on this pathway and how those approaches integrate existing policy frameworks such as the Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC).
WebIRISS Webinar on SSbD Industry Case Studies
IRISS – The International SSbD NetworkIRISS is the international ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design materials, products and processes.
IRISS has gained a lot of knowledge through different industry case studies from seven sectors.We would like to share our findings and recommendations with you! We are looking forward to seeing you online on the 6th of February!Online via TeamsJoin on 6 February at 9 CET
9th ECP - The first Industry Speed Dating Event
Chemistry makes the World go Around!
12 February 2025 in Frankfurt am Main and/or 25 - 26 February 2025 in DigitalThe 9th European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) is an essential event uniting the brightest minds and key players in the chemical industry. This cross-disciplinary forum provides a unique platform for innovation, collaboration, and growth, offering both onsite and online participation options.At the heart of the European Chemistry Partnering are our signature 20-minute partnering meetings, where you can preschedule discussions to optimize networking and foster meaningful connections. These meetings are complemented by inspiring keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and informal networking opportunities, all designed to ignite new ideas and partnerships.
Since its launch in 2017, the European Chemistry Partnering has emerged as a premier event for business speed dating, facilitating the establishment of many successful partnerships in the chemical sector. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this transformative experience.Secure your spot today and benefit from the Early Bird Discount. Whether you choose to join us in person or online, gain access to invaluable knowledge and elevate your professional journey with the 9th European Chemistry Partnering.https://www.european-chemistry-partnering.com/9thECP#/tickets?lang=en
“From Vision to Implementation: Shaping Policies to Boost Circular Bio-Based Transition” for the chemical sector
SUSTRACK is a three year project aimed at supporting policymakers in their efforts to develop sustainable pathways to replace fossil and carbon-intensive systems with sustainable circular biobased systems at the EU and regional scale, contributing to achieving the European Green Deal’s objectives.
Gain insights from keynote speakers outlining the transition challenge, the policy landscape and visions for the transition of the chemical sector; Explore policy options identified by the SUSTRACK project that may be considered to boost the circular bio-based economy transition in the chemical sector; Collaboratively identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed policy options, as well as discuss further possible policy opportunities/approaches.
WebMSc Sustainable Chemistry introduction week: insights on leadership, entrepreneurship and sustainability
Join us for an exciting online event featuring two distinguished industry experts sharing insights on leadership, entrepreneurship and sustainability.
This session is part of our MSc Sustainable Chemistry introduction week and is open to students, alumni and external guests.
Guest Speakers & Topics:
🔹 Reiner Roghmann – The Importance of Courageous Leadership at Times of Change (Former senior leader at DOW)
🔹 Dr. Oliver Schacht – How to Create a Sustainable (or Not) Career as a Serial Entrepreneur in the Life Sciences? (Biotech expert, entrepreneur, CEO & CFO at several companies)
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable industry insights and engage in discussions on sustainability, leadership, and innovation.
WebWaste Management & Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2025 Vietnam Focus
WtEAS2025 is expecting more than 400 industry leaders and specialists from across the world. The event covers a wide spectrum of important topics on Investment in Municipal waste treatment, Recycling, Hazardous Waste Treatment, Waste Incineration, RDF to Power, Gasification, flue gas treatment, biogas, biomass energy, waste conversion, WtE power plant and Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia region.
1 ) Highlights about the Convention:
Event Feature:
☆ International Developing Trends and Vietnam Market Changes☆ Municipal Initiatives Towards Handling Waste Disposal Volumes
☆ Initiatives Towards Material Recovery,Waste Sorting & Recycling
☆ New Urbanization Plans in Big Cities: Opportunities for the Waste Management Industry.
☆ Solid Waste Management in Vietnam: Tendering & Contracts Considerations
☆ Resource utilization of sludge drying;
☆ Municipal & Industrial Hazardous Waste Management in Vietnam Sustainable Implementations in the Supply
☆ MSW & Biogas Power Generation Practice and Lessons Learned in Japan, Europe, China.
☆ Explore and evaluate all the options for financing a successful Bio-energy facility to get your project moving fast
☆ Build effective partnerships across the supply chain to secure the feedstock and off-take agreements that will make your project a financial success
2 ) Key programme themes included:
☆Vietnam Waste Management & Waste to Energy Policy and Targets
☆Emerging challenges & opportunities for Waste Management & Waste to Energy in Vietnam
☆Hazardous waste disposal and resource utilization
☆Technological innovation and integration of comprehensive utilization of hazardous waste treatment;
☆Sludge wet oxidation treatment and resource utilization technology;
☆Insights Into New Initiatives on Waste to Energy & Waste Management in Vietnam
☆How Governments are integrating the waste, energy & climate change agenda
☆Accelerating Waste Management Infrastructure Development and Technologies Selection
☆Recovery of energy from waste technologies:pyrolysis,gasification,bioreactor, biomethanation, hydrolysis, pyrolytic-gasification, plasma & incineration
☆Farm(Hog and Poultry) waste Management
☆Management of urban solid waste
3 ) Why Attend ?
☆Southeast Asia’s First Event Focusing on Waste Management & Waste to Energy Power Generation.
☆Great Platform for Operators and Investors to Understand Industrial Policies and Identify Potential Business Opportunities in MSW & Bio-energy Industry
☆Gathering Leaders of Biogas Biomass Power Plants and waste management in Vietnam, Sharing Operation Experience, Exploring Cooperation Opportunities☆Show Casing the Latest Technologies from Domestic and International WTE Equipment Suppliers.
4 )Who Should Attend The Biggest WtE Event in SEA:
☆Government Officials
☆Municipal Solid Waste Authorities☆Industrial Waste Management Companies
☆Energy Efficiency Consultants
☆Environmental Technology Companies☆Research Institutes & Universities
☆Landfill Operators
☆Recycling Plants Operators
☆Waste Management and Disposal Companies☆Industrial Estates Developers
☆Waste to Energy Operators
☆Waste to Resources Operators
☆Farm Companies(hog and poultry,sugar mills, rice and coconuts)
☆Project Analysts
☆Biotechnology Researchers/ Advisers & Consultants

”Transformation and Irritation: Sustainability and Culture in Times of Radical Change”
5th Sustainability Transformation Conference.
The one-day conference, on-site in Berlin (location tbc), engages with the cultural dimension of environmental and sustainability policies as well as the sustainability dimension of cultural practices and policies. With partners from the fields of the environmental and cultural sector – academics, artists, activists and policy makers –, we will interactively focus on the interactions and irritations between environmental protection, culture, and technological innovation.
The significance of culture for sustainability transformations will be discussed with the following key questions at the event:What are elements of a culture of sustainability? What concepts are available?- What are the main irritations, future challenges for sustainability transformations and societal change?How can actors in the cultural and the environmental sector become allies and fruitful irritators facing multiple sustainability challenges?Current irritations in global and national politics represent a pressing need to tackle these questions.Join interactive discussions, and register here: www.umweltbundesamt-events.de/TransformationConference
dbb forum, Friedrichstraße 16910117 Berlin

Accelerating the Transition with Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design materials, products and processes
- How Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) can drive innovation and competitiveness in European industry.
Welcome to a webinar exploring how Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) can drive innovation and competitiveness in European industry.We will highlight insights, key findings, while also exploring challenges and future opportunities with implementation of SSbD, together with researchers and experts from industry and policy.
The webinar is organized by the EU Horizon project IRISS, is the international ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design materials, products and processes.IRISS aims to connect, synergize and transform the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design community in Europe and globally towards a lifecycle approach.The project runs between June 2022 to May 2025. It is funded by the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe, under grant agreement n° 101058245.
Read more about IRISS: https://iriss-ssbd.eu/iriss
Join the IRISS SSbD Community: https://iriss-ssbd.eu/iriss/become-a-member
bio!TOY 2025
Plastic is by far the most commonly used material for toys. However, the widespread criticism of plastics has not left the industry unscathed. Manufacturers such as Lego or Mattel have announced that in future they will only use alternative materials that do not come from fossil raw material sources.
Recyclability, the use of recycled or renewable raw materials, as well as significantly lower CO2 emissions are important new development goals. After the first three bio!TOY conferences in 2019, 2021, and 2023 which were successful with more than 110 participants, manufacturers of sustainable plastics and toys again exchanged news and experiences from 1st to 2nd April 2025. The meeting in Nuremberg, Germany (hybrid, i.e. on-site and online) is again supported by important industry platforms and interest groups (such as DVSI, Spielwarenmesse, Agency for Renewable resources FNR).
NurembergNuremberg (Hybrid)

BÜFA: Internationales Watervent erstmals in Oldenburg
BÜFA ist Co-Gastgeber des internationalen Forums für Innovationen im Bereich Wassertechnologie
On Monday, May 12 and Tuesday, May 13, 2025, the 31st Watervent will take place at the innovation village hallig.hanken in Oldenburg. At the international forum for innovations in the field of water technology, start-ups will pitch innovative ideas and products to potential investors.
The program also includes keynote speeches, best practices and a tour of the BÜFA Cleaning plant.
After stops in Philadelphia and Berlin, this year's event is being held in Oldenburg for the first time. Co-host BÜFA, with its Chemicals, Cleaning and Composites divisions, offers numerous solutions in the field of water treatment.
The Watervent has been held twice a year for 15 years and is organized by Leonhard Ventures. The forum offers start-ups and potential investors an opportunity to exchange ideas and network. Further information and the detailed program can be found on the Watervent website: https://www.watervent.com/program.html

Impact Forum 2025
The 20-Year Impact Agenda: Knowing What Works!
The Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability celebrates 20 years of impact research and invites you to the Borderstep Impact Forum 2025. Together with partners and future enthusiasts, "The 20 Years Impact Agenda" will be developed. The goal is to identify key themes and research questions for the sustainable transformation of Germany by 2045 and to support Germany's climate neutrality by 2045.Event Schedule:Start of the Borderstep Impact Forum: from 12:30 PM (Lunch buffet)Impact Workshops: from 1:45 PMAnniversary Reception: 6 – 9 PMRegistration Form: https://www.borderstep.de/anmeldung-bif-2025/Venue & Directions:https://www.borderstep.de/tagungsort-anreise/Let's shape the future together! 🌍
Since 2005, the Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability has been exploring the future as an independent, non-profit research organization, examining what is to come (innovation) and what remains (sustainability).The 20-Year Impact Agenda:Borderstep aims atutilizing the accumulated knowledge from 20 years of impact research to develop "The 20-Year Impact Agenda" at the Borderstep Impact Forum 2025, together with partners and future enthusiasts.With this agenda, key themes and research questions for important action areas of Germany's sustainable transformation by 2045 will be identified.Germany Climate-Neutral by 2045:Germany has set the goal to be climate-neutral by 2045. With this agenda, Borderstep will continue its innovation, entrepreneurship, digitization, and sustainability research, which have ar estill being passionately pursued since 20 years, and continue to serve sustainable development.

ChemSelect Workshop
International Workshop to Showcase Sustainability Assessment Tool for Chemicals
The German Environment Agency (UBA) is set to host an international workshop on ChemSelect, the innovative sustainability assessment tool designed to help companies identify safer and more sustainable chemical substances and mixtures. Scheduled for May 21, 2025, this online workshop will provide insights into how ChemSelect works and its role in sustainable chemical management.
Want to participate?
Send a short email to chemselect@uba.de .
Why ChemSelect Now?
The event will kick off with a keynote address from a representative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) or UBA, highlighting the urgency of sustainable chemical selection. With increasing regulatory pressure and industry demand for safer alternatives, ChemSelect offers a streamlined approach for businesses looking to align with the EU’s “Safe and Sustainable by Design” framework.
Workshop Highlights
The workshop will be structured into multiple sessions:
-ChemSelect Overview: Participants will gain insights into the tool’s objectives, structure, and practical applications.
-Live Demonstration: Attendees will explore ChemSelect’s capabilities through hands-on working groups.
-Supporting Resources: The session will cover essential training materials, case studies, and a dedicated website to facilitate easier adoption.
-Stakeholder Activities: Industry experts will discuss how ChemSelect complements existing sustainability initiatives.
The event will conclude with an open discussion on what further support is needed to ensure widespread adoption of Sustainable Chemical practices.
ChemSelect is a free online tool that enables companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to evaluate and compare chemical sustainability using a traffic light system. It simplifies decision-making by leveraging regulatory databases, hazard classifications, and sustainability indicators.
Who Should Attend?
The workshop is ideal for:
-Mixture producers (e.g., paint and coating manufacturers)
-Product manufacturers (e.g., clothing, toy, and electronics companies)
-Service providers (e.g., dry cleaning and industrial cleaning businesses)
-Regulators, NGOs, and sustainability professionals
This workshop is a unique opportunity for companies to enhance their chemical sustainability strategies while staying ahead of regulatory trends.
Download Agenda
Global Framework on Chemicals (OEWG 1.0)
Open-ended Working Group on GFC
The Global Framework on Chemicals - For a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste (GFC), provides the essential building blocks for a future in which humanity benefits from chemicals in a safe and sustainable manner, while avoiding their negative impacts. The Framework, adopted in September 2023 at the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), seeks to protect both the planet and human health, advocating for strong governance mechanisms and enforcing international standards.The Framework presents a comprehensive plan with five strategic objectives and 28 targets to guide countries and stakeholders in jointly addressing the lifecycle of chemicals, including products and waste. This unique multi-stakeholder agreement brings in a variety of sectors including representatives from governments, the private sector, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, youth and academia. It is supported by the Bonn Declaration, a high-level declaration also agreed at ICCM5 in Bonn, Germany.
The Secretariat of the Global Framework on Chemicals promotes and facilitates the implementation of the Framework. It is integrated within UNEP's Chemicals and Health Branch in the Industry and Economy Division.
Punta del Este - Convention and Exhibition Centre, Av. Pedragosa Sierra, Punta del Este, Maldonado, Punta del Este 20100, Uruguay20100 Montevideo

13th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies
The 13th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies will take place in Prague, Czech Republic.
The 13th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies (13th IFC) is organized by the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany).
It focuses on the opportunities and challenges as well as innovations and developments in circular carbon technologies to pave the way towards a resource efficient, circular and climate neutral economy via the recirculation of carbon-containing waste as secondary raw materials for production. Carbon management in the anthropogenic, biogenic and atmospheric dimension is considered, especially with its implications for value chains and technology development.
Thermochemical conversion processes with a focus on gasification and pyrolysis are the key technologies that allow the recirculation of carbon from waste streams. Alongside with innovative electrification efforts via plasma, they form the center of the conference scope.
We invite you to join us at this event and contribute to an interactive discussion at the nexus of science, technology, politics and society. Researchers, specialists, practitioners and diverse stakeholders will engage in intensive exchanges about the latest R&D developments as well as political/regulatory framework conditions for the transition towards a circular and net-zero emissions economy. Furthermore, technology developers and plant operators will also share insights into their current/planned projects as well as operational experiences along the entire feedstock-to-products value chain.
In addition to a stimulating scientific program, the conference will also include the opportunity to participate in exciting technical tours, as well as interesting networking events designed to facilitate networking and interaction between conference participants.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 13th International Freiberg Conference in September 2025 in Prague!

IGCW 2025
The 8th Industrial Green Chemistry World
The Industrial Green Chemistry World (IGCW) Convention & Ecosystem, are a biennially held international convention series, initiated in 2009 with the objective to expand awareness and technical understanding in implementing Industrial Green & Sustainable Chemistry solutions. The IGCW Convention is globally recognised as Asia’s largest Industrial Convention on “Green & Sustainable Chemistry”. The IGCW Conventions are organised and facilitated by Green ChemisTree Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and facilitating the implementation of Green & Sustainable Chemistry in India. As in 2023, ISC3 will be exhibiting sustainable chemistry solutions together with selected start-ups at IGCW in Mumbai, India on all exhibition days! Feel free to pass by our booth!
The IGCW Ecosystem is a unique platform, which by design, brings together 300+senior decision makers of the Chemical Industry (from Management, R&D, R&I Plants, Operations). The IGCW-EXPO is an apt opportunity for “Green & Sustainable Chemistry” solution providers to showcase their technologies and solutions at the Convention. The Sponsorship opportunity offers extensive presence and promotions through our pre-event reach-out for the Convention.