Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

Sharing insights to inform the scientific debate

ISC3 promotes the scientific debate on the emerging concept of Sustainable Chemistry. Below, please find a compilation of scientific articles and thought-starters, discussing Green and Sustainable Chemistry as future guiding principle in chemical sciences and a contribution to sustainable innovation and the 2030 Agenda.

Green Chemistry, 2024, Issue 12

Modelling biodegradability based on OECD 301D data for the design of mineralising ionic liquids
By Ann-Kathrin Amsel, Suman Chakravarti, Oliver Olsson, Klaus Kümmerer

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Green Chemistry, 2023, Issue 22

Identification of structure-biodegradabilty relationships for ionic liquids – clustering of a dataset based on structural similarity
By Ann-Kathrin Amsel, Oliver Olsson, Klaus Kümmerer

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Journal of Business Chemistry, June 2023, Vol. 20, Iss. 2

The chemical industry as a key player for climate protection: Learning experiences from cooperation with developing countries and emerging economies
by Detlef Schreiber, Paola Bustillos

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Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 25, April 2022, 100602

In search of the Holy Grail of Rodent control: Step-by-step implementation of safe and sustainable-by-design principles on the example of rodenticides

by Johannes Hohenberger, Anton Friesen, Stefanie Wieck, Klaus Kümmerer

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politische ökologie, 171, Dezember 2022, 40. Jahrgang, Nachhaltige Stoffpolitik

Für eine neue Nachhaltigkeit
by Klaus Kümmerer, Markus Große Ophoff

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12 theses on "Circular Economy. Safeguarding metal resources sustainably“, August 2022

by Michael Jordan, Werkleiter Aurubis AG, Lünen | | Andreas Nolte, Integrated Managementsystems, Aurubis AG, Lünen | | Dr. Martin Held, Freier Mitarbeiter Evangelische Akademie Tutzing | | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer, Professur für nachhaltige Chemie und stoffliche Ressourcen, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und ISC3 Re-search and Education Hub |© Lünen | Tutzing | Lüneburg – 6. September 2022

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsVolume 168, October 2022, 112678

Improving the end-of-life management of solar panels in Germany
by Livia El-hawad, Dorota Bartkowiak, Klaus Kümmerer

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Chemosphere, Volume 299, July 2022, 134385

Inventory of biodegradation data of ionic liquids
by Ann-Kathrin Amsel, Oliver Olsson, Klaus Kümmerer

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Nat Rev Mater 7, 76–78 (2022)

Chemistry and materials science for a sustainable circular polymeric economy
by Dr. Dr. Vania Zuin, Prof. K. Kümmerer

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Journal of Chemical Education 2021 98 (4), 1061-1063

Integrating Sustainability into Learning in Chemistry
by Jane E. Wissinger, Aurelia Visa, Bipul B. Saha, Stephen A. Matlin, Peter G. Mahaffy, Klaus Kümmerer, and Sarah Cornell

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Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 17, September 2020, 100312

Material circularity and the role of the chemical sciences as a key enabler of a sustainable post-trash age
by Stephen A. Matlin, Goverdhan Mehta, Henning Hopf, Alain Krief, Lisa Keßler, Klaus Kümmerer

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Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 12, June 2019, 100136

a problem to a business opportunity-design of pharmaceuticals for environmental biodegradability
by Klaus Kümmerer (klaus.kuemmerer©

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NATURE CHEMISTRY, VOL 11, MARCH 2019, Pages 190–195

Circular chemistry to enable a circular economy
by Tom Keijer, Vincent Bakker and J. Chris Slootweg

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Science 20 Jul 2018, Vol. 361, Issue 6399, pp. 222-224

A path to clean water
by Klaus Kümmerer, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Oliver Olsson and Despo Fatta-Kassinos

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GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2018, Volume 27, Number 2

Sustainable Chemistry and the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)
by Myriam Elschami and Klaus Kümmerer

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Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 162, 20 September 2017, Pages 273-285

Acknowledging temporal diversity in sustainability transformations at the nexus of interconnected systems
by Annika Weiser, Lotte M. Lutza, Daniel J. Lang, Klaus Kümmerer (klaus.kuemmerer©

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Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 5, June 2017, Pages 94-104

The concept of sustainable chemistry: Key drivers for the transition towards sustainable development
by Christopher Blum, Dirk Bunke, Maximilian Hungsberg, Elsbeth Roelofs, Anke Joas, Reinhard Joas Markus Blepp, Hans-Christian Stolzenberg

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Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 5, June 2017, Pages 105-114

Putting sustainable chemistry and resource use into context: The role of temporal diversity
by Annika Weiser, Daniel J. Lang, Klaus Kümmerer (klaus.kuemmerer© )

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Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2017, 56, 16420 – 16421

Sustainable Chemistry: A Future Guiding Principle
Guest Editorial by Klaus Kümmerer

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