3rd Edition of the ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry Club
Avoiding and Substituting Single Use Plastics (SUP)
We are excited to invite you to the 2nd Edition of the ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry Club, focusing on Avoiding and Substituting Single Use Plastics (SUP). This webinar, in collaboration with the GIZ-CES Project, aims to raise awareness about the essential role of Sustainable Chemistry (SC) in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This edition will focus on avoiding and replacing single-use plastics (SUP). Participants will gain insight into the impact of sustainable chemistry on the SDGs by exploring innovative start-ups that develop alternatives to single-use plastics and packaging-free solutions. We will also delve into key policy and regulatory elements essential for sustainable innovations and encourage engaging dialogues among start-ups, policymakers, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with global experts, share ideas and contribute to a sustainable future - register now!
Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xCqcjAYxRAqs38zoNYumdQ#/registration