CO2 Win Conference
CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial application
Final Conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial application"
We invite you to join us at the final conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2-WIN" on September 28 and 29, 2023 in Berlin. In this event, all funded projects will present and discuss their results. We are looking forward to welcoming project partners from industry and science. Furthermore, you can get in touch with representatives of the BMBF and the project management organization PtJ. As venue we could win the Palais Kulturbrauerei and the common dinner will take place in the Sauriersaal of the Museum für Naturkunde. All this is free of charge for you! Take the opportunity to get in touch with the different stakeholders and learn about the implementation and exploitation of the project results.