ISC3 Start-ups Workshop: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment-Based Decision-Analysis Framework
ONLY for onboarded ISC3 Start-ups
Decision makers often make choices on consumption or production without considering the full life cycle perspective or the broader implications on the environment, society or the economy. This might lead to unintended trade-offs and sub-optimization between environmental, social or economic issues, impeding progress towards sustainable development, as well as problem shifting between life cycle stages of product systems.
In this workshop, Marwa Hannouf from University of Calgary will introduce a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment-Based Decision-Analysis Framework that allows users to compare different alternatives to choose the optimal and sustainable one or to identify hotspots and potential improvements needed to improve sustainability performance. In addition you will learn how to compare performance with science-based threshold values, national and industry benchmark values and connecting the performance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
If you are member of the ISC3 Global Start-up Service, please register via email. If you would like to join our Start-up Service, please see the details below.
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