Online Master study programmes in the field of sustainable chemistry at Leuphana Professional School
Application for the MSc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management by 10 December 2023
At Leuphana Professional School, two online extra-occupational Master‘s programmes are offered for highly motivated international professionals who wish to integrate expertise in sustainable chemistry or management of sustainable chemistry into their professional portfolio. The next cohort will start in March 2024. Applications can be submitted by 10 December 2023. In addition, topic-specific certificates are offered as flexible entry options to continuing education in chemistry for sustainability. More information on the course contents, application and admission to the Professional Master of Science in Sustainable Chemistry and the Professional Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School can be found on the websites: MSc: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/masters-studies/sustainable-chemistry.html MBA: https://www.leuphana.de/en/professional-school/masters-studies/sustainable-chemistry-management.html
For the chemical sector to play an active role in a changing world, in-depth knowledge of chemistry must be complemented with sound expertise on sustainability. The Master's programmes M.Sc. Sustainable Chemistry and MBA Sustainable Chemistry Management at Leuphana Professional School try to close this gab and bring more awareness and knowledge about sustainability into companies to promote their transformation to meet the Agenda 2030. Therefore, the study programmes combine the acquisition of sound expertise in the field of sustainable chemistry and its management with interdisciplinary competencies and soft skills to comprehensively prepare students for future leadership tasks. Both Professional Master’s programmes are taught in English and are designed as distance-learning programmes with only a few on-campus classroom sessions offering laboratory work and opportunities for networking. The innovative online learning platform provides all teaching materials at any time for a flexible learning experience that adapts to the student’s professional and private schedule.