Rohstoffwende Metalle
Zielrichtung Ressourcenschonung und Circular Economy
Problems in the global supply chains and fears about the security of supply of technology metals are putting raw materials policy on the agenda. The announced European Critical Raw Materials Act and the planned national circular economy strategy are important next steps on the path to a sustainable sustainable raw materials policy. Unfortunately, the event is in German.
The raw material turnaround is about - Reducing the absolute level of consumption of natural raw materials; - the development of a metal recycling infrastructure and corresponding recycling recycling clusters; - the further development of a waste-based circular economy into a circular economy; and to a circular economy; - the social and ecological dimension of the raw material turnaround, in order to achieve resource and sustainability standards in the raw materials supply chains; and ensure - robust data, so that the unsustainable use of metals, dissipative waste, as well as progress towards improved recycling and towards improved recycling and resource conservation; - alternative business models based on service and desired functions. There is much talk of designing for recycling, of considering the recyclability of metals from the outset. In fact, the functionalisation of metals must also be taken into account. The development dynamics in the direction of an ever mixing of metals can no longer be assumed to be purposeful and always desirable. On the contrary: the question of functions must also be asked. We invite all those who are interested in metals, those who work with and/or are interested in metals and those who are active in the initiation of a raw materials turnaround for metals to Tutzing. We also cordially invite you to the open forum. Learn more here: Rohstoffwende Metalle_24.-26.2.2023_Tutzing_Flyer