Session 3: Chemical parks “Verbund”-structure
Climate Benefits through Joint Action in Chemical Parks – Opportunities for energy and resource efficiency through connected energy generation and production networks
2nd Webinar Series
Building on the results from the 1st webinar series on the “nexus chemistry – climate change” in 2021, CAPCI organizes a 2nd webinar series in 2022, consisting of 3 sessions and targeted at a wide range of professionals from the public and private sectors along the entire value chain of production and use of chemicals.
The 2nd series focuses on sustainable pathways to greenhouse gas mitigation and practical solutions, while highlighting the great potential of the chemical industry as a provider of innovative products and technologies for combating climate change, through circular economy concepts, synergies related with “Verbund”-structures in chemical parks or power-to-X technologies.
The focus is on capacity building and sharing of knowledge and information sharing with partners from public and private sector, thereby contributing to the transfer of technologies and best practices.
For registration and further information:
More on CAPCI
The chemical industry and its products constitute not only a fundamental cornerstone of modern life as well as global and national economies. The sector also accounts for about 10% of the world´s final energy demand and up to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions (1). At the same time, the chemical sector is a source of innovations and new materials that are crucial for the deployment of future-oriented low-carbon technologies. In this sense the branch is already developing scenarios for radical GHG mitigation and even complete defossilization.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and under the International Climate Initiative (IKI), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) implements the Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI) that aims to enable key actors in selected developing countries and emerging economies to identify and tap mitigation potentials in chemical production and associated value chains. The webinar series is organized by CAPCI in cooperation with the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)(2) and the Capacity Building Network of the United Nations Climate Secretariat (PCCB-Network) (3).
The CAPCI project (Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry) is mainly focused on information, capacity building and knowledge sharing for the mitigation of GHG in the chemical industry in developing countries and emerging economies. At the same time, these measures will be planned and executed with an action-oriented perspective. Networking as well as the exchange of practical experiences and best practices play a decisive role.
Project Outcome:
The capacities of key actors from the private and public sector in selected developing countries and emerging economies for designing and implementing effective measures for climate protection in the chemical sector are enhanced.
Project Activities:
The work packages and activities of CAPCI are assigned to three outputs:
-Knowledge, Information & Best Practices
-Training & Capacity Building
-Initiation of measures in partner countries
The conceptual approach involves information, webinars, dialogues, workshops and targeted trainings for know-how transfer and dissemination of good practices in the chemical industry. In addition, targeted advice will be provided for supporting the successful design of effective climate protection measures in the chemical industry.
Partners and Stakeholders
CAPCI is cooperating with partners like ministries responsible for climate protection, chemical policies and industrial development as well as the associations of the chemical industry in selected developing countries and emerging economies. In addition to the above-mentioned partnership with the ICCA und the UNFCCC Secretariat’s capacity building network, the project draws from the experiences of relevant international projects and initiatives.
CAPCI is closely linked with the ISC3 - International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Center (see: www.isc3.org). The mission of the ISC3 is to shape the transformation of the chemical sector towards sustainable chemistry, thereby contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and to a circular economy. Tackling climate change is a crucial area for a sustainable chemistry; hence CAPCI directly contributes to the ISC3 mission.
Replicable best practices and know-how will be disseminated in close cooperation with relevant international organisations and cooperation projects that are also supported in the framework of the IKI, e.g. PROKLIMA (www.giz.de/proklima), the International PtX Hub (https://ptx-hub.org) or the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group NACAG (www.nitricacidaction.org).
Project measures like information, dialogue workshops and trainings are designed in close cooperation and according to the needs of partners in selected partner countries – as a prerequisite for enhancing capacities and anchoring know-how in a sustainable manner.