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Waste Management & Waste to Energy Asia Summit 2025 Vietnam Focus

Type: Web Event
Length: 3 Days
Start Date - Time: 19.03.2025 - 10:00 AM
End Date - Time: 21.03.2025 - 10:00 AM
Event Time Zone: (GMT/UTC + 00:00) GMT
Location: Web

WtEAS2025 is expecting more than 400 industry leaders and specialists from across the world. The event covers a wide spectrum of important topics on Investment in Municipal waste treatment, Recycling, Hazardous Waste Treatment, Waste Incineration, RDF to Power, Gasification, flue gas treatment, biogas, biomass energy, waste conversion, WtE power plant and Environmental Issues in Southeast Asia region.
1 ) Highlights about the Convention:
Event Feature:
☆ International Developing Trends and Vietnam Market Changes☆ Municipal Initiatives Towards Handling Waste Disposal Volumes
☆ Initiatives Towards Material Recovery,Waste Sorting & Recycling
☆ New Urbanization Plans in Big Cities: Opportunities for the Waste Management Industry.
☆ Solid Waste Management in Vietnam: Tendering & Contracts Considerations
☆ Resource utilization of sludge drying;
☆ Municipal & Industrial Hazardous Waste Management in Vietnam Sustainable Implementations in the Supply
☆ MSW & Biogas Power Generation Practice and Lessons Learned in Japan, Europe, China.
☆ Explore and evaluate all the options for financing a successful Bio-energy facility to get your project moving fast
☆ Build effective partnerships across the supply chain to secure the feedstock and off-take agreements that will make your project a financial success

2 ) Key programme themes included:
☆Vietnam Waste Management & Waste to Energy Policy and Targets
☆Emerging challenges & opportunities for Waste Management & Waste to Energy in Vietnam
☆Hazardous waste disposal and resource utilization
☆Technological innovation and integration of comprehensive utilization of hazardous waste treatment;
☆Sludge wet oxidation treatment and resource utilization technology;
☆Insights Into New Initiatives on Waste to Energy & Waste Management in Vietnam
☆How Governments are integrating the waste, energy & climate change agenda
☆Accelerating Waste Management Infrastructure Development and Technologies Selection
☆Recovery of energy from waste technologies:pyrolysis,gasification,bioreactor, biomethanation, hydrolysis, pyrolytic-gasification, plasma & incineration
☆Farm(Hog and Poultry) waste Management
☆Management of urban solid waste

3 ) Why Attend ?
☆Southeast Asia’s First Event Focusing on Waste Management & Waste to Energy Power Generation.
☆Great Platform for Operators and Investors to Understand Industrial Policies and Identify Potential Business Opportunities in MSW & Bio-energy Industry
☆Gathering Leaders of Biogas Biomass Power Plants and waste management in Vietnam, Sharing Operation Experience, Exploring Cooperation Opportunities ☆Show Casing the Latest Technologies from Domestic and International WTE Equipment Suppliers.

4 )Who Should Attend The Biggest WtE Event in SEA:
☆Government Officials
☆Municipal Solid Waste Authorities☆Industrial Waste Management Companies
☆Energy Efficiency Consultants
☆Environmental Technology Companies☆Research Institutes & Universities
☆Landfill Operators
☆Recycling Plants Operators
☆Waste Management and Disposal Companies☆Industrial Estates Developers
☆Waste to Energy Operators
☆Waste to Resources Operators
☆Farm Companies(hog and poultry,sugar mills, rice and coconuts)
☆Project Analysts
☆Biotechnology Researchers/ Advisers & Consultants