The workshops will bring together diverse stakeholders from different regions, including innovators and entrepreneurs, policy makers, representatives from civil society and academics. The participants will identify and examine regional megatrends and industry sector trends that may create risks and opportunities for chemicals management and sustainable chemistry innovation. The workshop provides a unique opportunity for experts from the scientific, the private and public sector to voice expectations, contribute ideas, and be part of the worldwide dialogue on sustainable chemistry innovation from the very beginning.
The results from the workshop will feed into the GCO-II and inform the ISC3 Global Scenario Process to be initiated later in 2018 to identify opportunities for a transition to a more sustainable chemistry. They will also contribute to the ongoing reflections on the future of sustainable chemistry and the role chemicals and chemistry will play in addressing the emerging and future challenges to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The first workshop will focus on the African region and take place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 7-8 March 2018.
The second workshop will focus on the European region and take place in Frankfurt a. M., Germany, on 26-27 March 2018.
Two more workshops will follow in April focussing on the Americas (12-13 April, Panama) and the Asian Region (25-26 April, Bangkok).
The ISC3 Global Scenario Process
The ISC3 intends to facilitate a scenario process later in 2018, in which experts will have an opportunity to debate how Sustainable Chemistry impacts our future. What kind of chemical products and chemical production processes do we need to shape a sustainable future? What are the societal, economic and political implications of Sustainable Chemistry? In what areas are chemical innovations key to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals? What are the pathways towards a sustainable circular economy given the needs of a growing population for food, housing, energy, transport, health and safety? Is new legislation required to make the change happen?
The scenarios are intended as a process, with the aim of delivering generally accepted and expert validated discussion documents. They should provide an opportunity for civil society to voice expectations and concerns, help industry players in the refinement of their strategy and investments, provide input to policy makers in the shaping of regulatory frameworks and instruments, and they should spur further research.
The Global Chemicals Outlook II
Currently being developed by UN Environment, the GCO-II will provide scientific input and options for the sound management of chemicals and waste as well as the implementation of actions to reach relevant Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including on innovation. To be launched in early 2019, the GCO-II seeks to inform the intersessional process on the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 and the March 2019 session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.
Learn more about the GCO.