The chemical industry sector is not only a fundamental cornerstone of modern life as well as global and national economies: More than 90 percent of the manufacturing industry depends on products from the chemical industry. The chemical and petrochemical industries account for around 10% of the world´s final energy demand and 7,4% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2022), when considering emissions directly controlled by companies (scope 1) as well as those associated with purchased electricity, heat, steam or cooling (scope 2). At the same time, the chemical industry is a source of innovations and materials that are crucial for the roll-out of future-oriented low-carbon technologies. In this context climate change represents a key challenge for a future-oriented transformation of the whole sector towards a “Sustainable Chemistry”. Check out the factsheet on “Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Protection” to learn more about facts and figures about Sustainable Chemistry and climate protection.