Spotlight: Renewable Energy & Sustainable Chemistry

11 May 2023 | Online Live Event


The SPOTLIGHT on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Chemistry looked at the pivotal role they play in addressing the global challenges of climate change and sustainability.

The promotion and implementation of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Chemistry within the innovation ecosystem, as well as raising awareness about the significance of topics such as "Waste from Renewable Energies" and the "Circular Economy," were key points of discussion.

Participants explored ways to foster the adoption of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Chemistry practices in various industries, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts among stakeholders. The SPOTLIGHT also aimed to raise awareness about the potential environmental impact of waste generated from renewable energy sources and the importance of adopting circular economy principles to address this challenge. By emphasizing the practical implementation, the SPOTLIGHT aimed to inspire action and drive positive change within the innovation ecosystem.

Session Recaps

Workshop – Renewable Energy and Circular Economy

Session 1: Workshop – Renewable Energy and Circular Economy

Renewable PtX Executive Training and PtX products relevant to the chemical sector

Session 2: Renewable PtX Executive Training and PtX products relevant to the chemical sector