group of five young people looking at one lap top

Global Start-up Service

Supporting Sustainable Chemistry Innovators

Start-ups are a unique source of knowledge and innovation that can contribute to a more sustainable future. In order to help innovators related to Sustainable Chemistry succeed in different stages of development, the ISC3 Innovation Hub launched the Global Start-up Service (GSS), the world’s first program providing holistic support to Sustainable Chemistry innovators globally.

Icon of a leaf overlapping into a schematic molecule

Unique support for chemistry-related start-ups

The Service targets entrepreneurs along the entire innovation chain: ideators, early-stage innovators and advanced entrepreneurs who have the potential to solve urgent challenges of sustainable and inclusive development. It addresses four key aspects:

  • Sustainability: We help start-ups to evaluate and improve their impact on present and future generations by promoting and fostering the importance of sustainability across all startup stages.
  • Chemistry: We address exclusively chemistry-related start-ups, such as waste management, sustainable energy, water management, pesticides, consumer industry, etc.
  • Global Reach: We create an enabling environment on a global basis allowing start-ups to connect to an international network of entrepreneurs, stakeholders and investors.
  • Tailored Support: We provide tailored support based on start-up needs via various formats, such as our yearly Innovation Challenge, our workshops, events, and much more.

Being a Global Start-up Service Member allows you to:

  • Access the ISC3 Online Library on Sustainable Chemistry matters, including articles on entrepreneurship, Sustainable Chemistry and potentially relevant market information for you, as well as our on-demand ISC3 workshop presentations and recordings on Sustainable Chemistry entrepreneurship topics
  • Facilitation of contacts between you and your start-up and international experts and advisors
  • Networking and matchmaking services across sectors and value chains: P2P, B2B, B2C
  • Workshops chosen by and tailor-made to the effective needs of our innovators
  • Support in accessing incubator and accelerator programs, as well as other types of support
  • Access to ISC3 and partner events, such as pitchings, trade shows, workshops, and conferences in chemistry and chemical-related sectors.
  • …and more!

For more information please see our Flyer

Join the ISC3 GSS

If you are interested in joing the Global Start-up Service, please click below and fill out our Onboarding Questionnaire , which is your first step to enter the ISC3 Global Start-up Service. After receiving your questionnaire, the ISC3 Innovation Hub team will quickly scan it and get back to you.

Become an ISC3 Changemaker!

In case of any questions please contact our Start-up Relations Manager Silvia Perez Hector or our Innovation Manager Dorota Bartkowiak.

back of woman with dark hair pointing at a sticker on her back "ISC3 Global Start-up Service - Changemaker"

Workshops for our Start-ups

As part of our Extended Services for General Support Plus Start-ups, the ISC3 GSS organizes workshops on topics chosen by our innovators, such as Negotiation Skills, Sustainable Business Model Canvas, Life Cycle Assessment, Women in Leadership or Market Research.

For upcoming ISC3 Start-ups Workshops see the
Event Calendar

Past workshops can be found in our Online Library (start-up members only). Relevant online workshops and trainings for Sustainable Chemistry Changemakers can be also find here: ISC3 Trainings and Atingi Courses