ISC3 Stakeholder Forum 2019 -2022

Bringing stakeholders together

Founded on the initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Environmental Agency (UBA) 2017, ISC3 engages in the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry. ISC3 acts internationally with focus on emerging economies and developing countries.

The centre manages a knowledge platform and a network of stakeholders, contributes to political processes, conducts research, develops vocational and academic education, supports innovation and entrepreneurship, and offers advisory services. Connecting stakeholders from policy, industry, academia, and civil society is a key element of the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry and therefore of ISC3’s work. While the first Stakeholder Forum focused its discussions and topics on laying the groundworks for a common understanding of Sustainable Chemistry and the international dialogue, the focus of the second Stakeholder Forum shifted towards the implementation and realisation of projects and ideas.
The third Stakeholder Forum reviewed the ISC3 activities in the fields of Academic Education, Innovation and Research and served as a dialogue platform for the discussion of current and upcoming topics in Sustainable Chemistry.

a woman sitting at a table in a discussion

4th ISC3 Stakeholder Forum

Online Event, November 29, 2022

Dear Stakeholders,

We are excited to let you know that this year’s Stakeholder Forum will take place on Tuesday, 29 November 2022, at approx. 2pm CET via MS Teams.

Please download the agenda here

A lot has happened on our website and we are happy to let you know about our new tools (as announced during the last Stakeholder Forum):

Take a look at the Event-Calendar, where you can find interesting events from partners in the field of Sustainable Chemistry and our Online Atlas where you can sign up to the ISC3 community.

Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energy: Power-to-X and Hydrogen Economy”.

With regards to our ongoing project "Developing a Common Understanding of Sustainable Chemistry”, we would also like to inform that we will be sending out a survey in the upcoming weeks – your input would be highly appreciated!
In cooperation with the consultancy, HEAT, we have developed a questionnaire revolving around your experiences in the realm of Sustainable Chemistry and your opinions on its practical implementation processes.

For more information on what to expect:

Download the report of 2021 here.

3rd ISC3 Stakeholder Forum

Online Event, 08 &12 November 2021

The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) hosted its third Stakeholder Forum on 8th and 12th November 2021 during the 1st Global Sustainable Chemistry Week which took place 8th until 12th November 2021. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting travel restrictions, the Stakeholder Forum was held online.

The third Stakeholder Forum discussed our upcoming activities including the new Focus Topic:
Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energy: PtX and H2-Economy.

The first day, Monday 8 November 2021, gave an overview on the milestones achieved, current projects and future activities, whereas the second day, Friday 12 November 2021, gave insight into the varied topics connected to Sustainable Chemistry and the ISC3’s stakeholders.

The Stakeholder Forum continues to be an opportunity to highlight the diversity of the topic and the stakeholders connected. They were invited to engage, voice their expectations and views, and share their expertise.

For an impression of the Forum's course of events, please find the Agenda below:

Agenda 3rd ISC3 Stakeholder Forum

Day 1, Monday, 08 November 2021,
part 1 of the ISC3 Stakeholder Forum,
ca. 14:00 - 18:10h (CET)

Facilitation: Dr. Hannah Büttner, Integrative Dialoge

  • Greeting
    14:00 - 14:05 (CET)

    Dr. Hannah Büttner, Integrative Dialoge
    Dr. Thomas Wanner, Director ISC3
  • Review and Outlook on the ISC3
    14:05 - 14:30 (CET)

    Dr. Thomas Wanner, Managing Director ISC3
    Dr. Alexis Bazzanella, Director ISC3 Innovation Hub @ DECHEMA e.V.
    Prof. Klaus Kümmerer, Director ISC3 Research & Education Hub @Leuphana University
  • Guest Keynote:Enviropreneurship to bring Sustainable Chemistry Innovations to Market – Our Inspiration & Learning
    14:30 - 15:30 (CET)

    Nitesh H. Mehta, Co-founder & Director Green ChemisTree Foundation & Newreka Green-Synth Technologies, Mumbai, India
  • Report on the activities of the ISC3 Research & Education Hub
    15:45 - 16:15 (CET)

    Dr. Myriam Elschami, Coordinator Education, ISC3 Research & Education Hub @ Leuphana University
    Dr. Katja Simon, Regulatory Prototyping and Business Relationship Management Expert, Merck KGaA - Participant of the M.Sc. SC 2021
  • Report on the activities of the ISC3 Innovation Hub
    16:15 -16:45 (CET)

    Dr. Alexis Bazzanella, Director ISC3 Innovation Hub @ DECHEMA e.V.
  • Report and Reflection on the Research Topics
    16:45 -17:15 (CET)

    Ann-Kathrin Amsel, Research Associate, ISC3 Research & Education Hub @ Leuphana University
  • Discussion on the New Focus Topic:
    Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energy -
    Subtopic for 2021: Power to X (PtX) and green Hydrogen
    17:30 -18:00 (CET)

    Oleg Ditkovskiy, Workstream Manager, ISC3 Head Office
  • Closing
    18:00 - 18:10 (CET)

    Dr. Thomas Wanner, Managing Director ISC3

Day 2, Friday, 12 November 2021,
Open Forum - Part 2 of the ISC3 Stakeholder Forum
ca. 13:00 - 17:45h (CET)

Facilitation: Dr. Hannah Büttner, Integrative Dialoge

  • EU Chemicals Strategy on Sustainability
    13:05 - 13:50 (CET)

    Ann Chloé Devic, European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
    Dolores Romano, Deputy policy manager for chemicals at the European Environmental Bureau
    Prof. Nineta Hrastelj, European Chemical Society (EuChems)
    Prof. Eugenia Walsami-Jones, University of Birmingham
    Prof. Klaus Kümmerer, Director ISC3 Research & Education Hub, Leuphana University
  • Anchoring Sustainable Chemistry in International Chemicals Management:
    presentation of preliminary results and a discussion of experts in the field of sustainable chemistry
    14:00 - 15:00 (CET)

    find more information here
    Christopher Blum (German Environment Agency): The idea behind the project, tasks and team
    Esther Heidbüchel (CSCP) and Henning Friege (N³ Thinking Ahead): Indicators for approaches to sustainable chemistry: Assessment and Examples
    Panel Discussion:
    Sustainable Chemistry as a pacemaker for international management for chemicals and waste?
    Moderator: Achim Halpaap (Independent consultant)
    Participants: Sandra Averous-Monnery (UNEP), Vania Zuin Zeidler (University of Sao Carlos, Brazil), Xenia Trier (European Environment Agency, tbc), N.N., Hans-Christian Stolzenberg (German Environment Agency)
    Concluding Remarks: N.N.
  • UNEP: Development of the specialized manual on green and sustainable chemistry education
    15:10 - 16:20 (CET)

    Download background information here
    Proposed Agenda:
    Moderator: Monika MacDevette – Head, Chemicals and Health Branch, UNEP
    Session 1 – Presenting the Manuals (25 Minutes)
    • Welcoming remarks – Moderator – (5 Minutes)
    • Overview of the 10 Objectives and Guiding Considerations for Green and Sustainable Chemistry and of the Specialized Manual on Education – Achim Halpaap, Lead Author– (15 Minutes)
    • A deep dive on green and sustainable chemistry learning at each stage of formal education – Colin Hannahan, Consultant, UNEP – 5 minutes
    Session 2: Panel Discussion and Audience Exchange –
    Action on Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education -
    (45 Minutes)
    • All panelists will be introduced by the moderator. Each panelist will be given the floor to share their insights on the following – (25-30 Minutes)
      • Key inspiring actions to transform and scale up education for GSC; and
      • What remains to be done, and how the UNEP 10 objectives and education manual on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, can support filling these gaps.
      • Panelists:
        • Amy Cannon, Executive Director/Co-founder, Beyond Benign - Promoting Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education through Curriculum reforms and fostering learning communities
        • Nydia Suppen, Director, Centro de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida y Diseño Sustentable (CADIS) - Illustration of non-formal and informal learning to advance green and sustainable chemistry.
        • Rovani Sigamoney, Engineering Programme Specialist, UNESCO - UNESCO’s contribution to green and sustainable chemistry education through Basic Sciences.
        • Claudio Cinquemani, Director of Science and Innovation, ISC3 - Using the Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Framework Manual as a tool to guide capacity-building activities.
      • Following the panel, the floor will be opened for the audience to pose questions and establish a dialogue with the panelists and presenters – (10 – 15 minutes)
      • The moderator will provide concluding remarks and close the session – (5 minutes)
  • Examples of ISC3 Capacity Building
    16:30 - 17:15 (CET)

    Dr. Claudio Cinquemani, ISC3
    Jens Krol, ISC3
The agenda for DAY 2 can be downloaded here